Question concerning Bukkit API

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Greennose120, Jun 15, 2013.

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    While searching in the API I found several Methods about which I dont know what they actually do.
    For example what does this method?
    1. CraftWorld w;
    2. w.getHandle().b(EnumSkyBlock, int, int, int, int);

    Are there any javadocs which explain what these methods (b(...)) do?
    declanmc96 likes this.
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    That's NMS code not bukkit API
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    Where can I look this NMS code up?
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    Quite simply, you can't (or it is extremely hard and time consuming).

    Unless you really need to, stick with the Bukkit API. What do you need to do? :)
    Minnymin3 likes this.
  5. If your asking that question, you don't look it up, you don't use it.

    NMS and OBC (the shorthand for Vanilla Minecraft server code and CraftBukkit implementation code respectively) are the meat and guts, NOT the bukkit API, they can and do change between versions of minecraft and bukkit builds (due to obfuscation of minecraft, or a change in how the craftbukkit implementation handles something).
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    NMS is that code thats names have nothing to do with their uses such as _m should be getUser and b is something like set generator (not to sure bout that though)
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    Thank you all, I wanted to light up thge world initially....
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