PvP Matchup Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dubzay, Mar 25, 2015.

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    Plugin category: PvP

    Suggested name: Match1v1

    What I want:

    I want a plugin where multiple people can 1v1.. such as Kohi or Badlion,

    It will match you up in that section such as Diamond with people and multiple people can do it.

    I want the GUI kinda like Badlion and Kohi, but a bit different.

    What I mean by "match you up in that section" is you open the gui with the 1v1 types and say you click on one
    then you wait for another person to click on that one and you both get the set "such as iron" and you 1v1

    Ideas for commands: /duel <player> - to duel a specific player
    /accept <player> - to accept a duel request
    /1v1 opens a GUI where you click a kind of fight such as "Diamond, Iron, and Pot
    /sp <player> puts you invisible and tp's you to spectate the fight.
    /1v1setspawn <arenaID> <Pos1,Pos2>
    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: Possibly 2 or 3 weeks.
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    Bump.... please I need this
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