Pull requests

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by stirante, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Can someone help me with pulling requests? I want to add to Bukkit possibility to change name, collar color, mob equipment, custom fuse and explosion radius for creeper etc., but I can't understand how to do it. Creating plugins and classes for it was easy, but editing Bukkit wasn't so easy.I don't think it's problem with plugin development but I don't know where it should be.
  2. Offline


    stirante im sure that the collar color is clientside and texturepack
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  5. Offline


    Yes, but I just want to know how to connect my classes with bukkit and craftbukkit.
  6. Offline


    1. ((CraftWolf)wolf).getHandle().setCollarColor(int);

    the int is a number from 0 to 15 (following the normal colour codes, with a = 10, b = 11 and f = 15). You would need to use CraftBukkit.jar as a library though
  7. Offline


    You don't understand me. I want to create pull request to bukkit and craftbukkit. This way you will be able to do
    Wolf wolf = world.spawn(Wolf.class, location);
    Instead of dealing with NMS.
  8. Offline


    So what is the problem then? Go into the Wolf class and modify what your PR is for, then submit it as a PR. If you are asking HOW to do it, then that is for you to figure out since its YOUR pull request.
  9. Offline


    I only don't know if my code is right. That' why I put link to my github.
  10. Offline


    I can write it very easily, I just do not know how to pull a request. Anywhere on the forums where they explain?
  11. Offline


    You must fork repository, add commits and pull request :).So if you know could you explain me a little?
  12. Offline


    You can use Maven to compile into a working Bukkit/CraftBukkit. Then you can use that as library to test it. Tutorial:
    This video is actually a Maven tutorial, but they use CraftBukkit to explain it a bit. Use this and you will end up with a CB.jar :3 (same method to get a bukkit.jar)
    stirante likes this.
  13. Offline


    Thanks to you I created working functions to name items and to color wolfs' collars
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  15. Offline


    In few minutes I'll complete API for changing mob equipment and then I'll start to make API for Armor(I want to color it)
  16. Offline


    stirante nice. If any questions, just ask :3
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