Filled Protection Plugin (that works the way I want)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by martian3333, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: GRIEF PREVENTION

    Suggested name: Land Lock

    What I want:
    --I don't want to reinvent the wheel completely. I've looked at so many protection plugins, and with areaguard being inactive I'd like to find a protection plugin that works in a specific way. This will be another user based protection plugin to free up admin time.
    --I'd like this plugin to hook into WorldEdit/WorldGuard for defining and creating regions. The user should be able to select regions and use a command to create the region or expand in whichever direction. I would like to have it charge for the area (LxW) that is selected, and have some command to show the price before you buy. Also, setting flags and adding users to regions would be a nice feature.
    --I would like it to detect if you're creating a region in a region you already own and create it as a child region using the WorldGuard hook. On that same note it should prevent players from overlapping thier region into another player's region.
    --Bonus: Hook into LogBlock (or similar) and erase a player from the world, then remove all thier regions (WG hook) if they haven't logged in for X days.

    Ideas for commands: I'll show using caps for clarity
    /LL cost
    /LL buy <>
    /LL sell <>
    /LL sellto <playername> <>
    /LL info
    /LL expand <up,down,vert,etc>
    /LL flag <flags>
    /LL addfriend <playername> <>
    /LL delfriend <playername> <>

    Ideas for config:
    inactivedaysuntildelete: int
    buyperblock: int
    sellperblock: int
    maxblocks: int
    maxregions: int

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: If someone were to create this I wouldn't care how long it took.
  2. Offline


    Bump. I've started trying to code this, but I'm not very fast. Any help from a better coder would be great :)
  3. Offline


    I think I could help here.
  4. Offline


    That would be awesome, like it shows up top it'll just be an interface into WG so users can protect land without being able to mess other players stuff up.
  5. Offline


    What's about the price system? Which one do you use?
  6. Offline


    Oh, I use iConomy through Vault.
  7. Offline


    There are existing land purchasing plugins built that use WorldGuard, is that the kind of thing you want?
  8. Offline


    I've looked at a lot of those plugins, they all allow the buying and selling of WG regions, but the regions have to be created first, which is still done by mods/admins. This plugin will allow users to create WG regions without being able to mess up stuff with real worldguard access.
  9. Offline


    This is cool. I WANT/NEED THIS. Maybe a setting so you can place blocks to protect it instead of selecting area'd or maybe this. /ll region create [length] [width]
  10. Offline


    With this plugin you could allow the use of the WorldEdit selection wand, which by itself is harmless.

    ** Also, runningdeath is currently working on this plugin.
  11. Offline


    So I've started developing this plugin, and am making pretty good progress.

    I did, however, find a plugin that works pretty much just like mine will work. I'm still going to finish mine.

    Here is one that's already out there.
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Okay this is the last post I will make here about this plugin. Just wanted to say that version 1.0 is released and awaiting approval. Should be up for download in a couple days.
  14. Offline


    Ok thank you

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