Hello. I'm looking for a plugin, which adds professions to the game. By that, I mean for example there's a miner class which can only mine for resources, use picks, shovels and swords and use furnaces to smelt ore. It cannot for example use workbench or harvest crops. Literally, there are these professions that play a certain role, you know what I mean.
limiting the use of a craftingtable/furnace completely is possible, however you can't limit the making/furnacing of particular items. I've a ton of plugins set up for my 20 classes. You can read about them on the website in my sig if you're interested.
I'm actually working on this as we speek, and have made lots of progress, and it's actually done, minus the fact that I can't get it to save the progress, so every time you reload the server or restart it clears progress...
Use my Lib and Tutorial at http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sql-lite-tutorial-library.17034/ but I suggest you wait about a day or two until the tutorial has been updated!
Cool, the tut is a little out dated, but I am working on updating it, the way it is now it will say that there are a few errors. The new tutorial will be posted tomorrow night. However the library is updated!
@alta189 : Oo, it might be outdated, but it will work almost perfectly for what I want, just one question that if you could cover in a tutorial how to not add something to the table, but change it, would you have to remove it and then add it again? EDIT! nevermind, figured it out: PHP: UPDATE tablenames SET collumname='value', collumname2='value' WHERE collumname='value'
by looking at the manager, I not see much difference between them, so why does it make a difference? EDIT! once again nevermind, I see that they return different errors and stuff
@alta189 I think I'm almost done with my saving, soon to just finish up and test can I send you the code and see if you see any errors? @alta189 Ok, the saving is working 110%, I really thank you, SQL is the best way to save. now to fix a few bug in the plugin and it's all ready to be released! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@alta, there is a lot of code, so I'll try to github it, but for some reason github never seems to work for me, only got one thing in history up there... EDIT! ok, I think I'm getting the hang of git: https://github.com/DreadKyller/Professions