Problems With TooManyItems :S

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MattCN, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I've got problems with Too Many Items on my bukkit server.
    Everytime i click an icon on TMI is says: Unknown Command. Type "Help" for help.
    My Friend Can use TMI on my server and we are both OP.
    I'm using CraftBukkit 1.0.0 SNAPSHOT.
    Greetz.. -MattCN
  2. Offline


    It's probably because the spawn command is different on your bukkit server. Why not just make yourself gamemode 1 or whatever and not use tmi?
  3. Offline


    Creative is Irritating!
    But what do you mean by: the spawn command is different
    Any way to change it?

    Help Please

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  4. Offline


    The way TMI works on Multiplayer is it simply sends a command to the server to give you an item. You have to adjust the command on TMI to work with the give command on your server.

    This isn't "Bukkit Help", this is hardly TMI help. This is common sense.
  5. Offline


    But why can my friends use TMI and me not on the same server???? how can i change it plz help Toomanyitems has other blocks like mushroom and ender portal i cant have access to the /Item command but i can use the /Give Command Plz help -MattCN
  6. Offline


    Darq, would you by any chance know how to edit the files in TMI? If there is a way of course.
  7. Offline


    Look at the toomanyitem's forum post! It's right there! I'd bet money that you can edit the command it sends in through that.

  8. Offline


    i had the same would say [enchantment can not be put on this item] [error]
    so to fix it all u have to do is.
    1. go to your .minecraft
    2. open .minecraft and go to the file called toomanyitems.txt [after u have in staleed and ran minecraft with tmi]
    3. open toomanyitems.txt and the should be a command that says /item delete that and paste this in instead
    /item {1}:{3} {2} Hoped it helped [creeper]
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