Problems reading config.yml

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Euphi_, Oct 11, 2011.

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    I'm still pretty new to this, i've gone to countless forums and cannot find an answer so i am finally posting for help.

    I want to read my config.yml and store each property as it's own array. here's my config

      - 'Yellow'
      - 'Red'
      - 'Blue'
      - 'player1'
      - 'player2'
      - 'player3'
      - 'player4'
    now i am using getProperty() to read from config, but that only returns as an object and I cannot cast it as an array, or even as a string to split into an array.

    so how do i call configTeams = getProperty("Teams") and have configTeams[1] = Red?

    This is my snippet of code that is reading the config

                 Configuration config = getConfiguration();
                 Object configTeams = config.getProperty("Teams");
                 System.out.println("Teams are " + configTeams);

    I have also tried casting via

    String[] array = objectToString(configTeams);
    String[] objectToString(Object pleasework){
              return pleasework;
    but that gives me the same error as normal casting
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    You would use getStringList() in the old configuration classes, and getList() in the new ones.
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    Awesome thank you.

    This is what i ended up with

    List<String> test = null;
                 List<String> configTeams = config.getStringList("Teams", test);
                 Iterator<String> list=configTeams.iterator();
                  String value=(String);
                  System.out.println("Team :"+value);
    the only thing i still dont understand is this

    List<String> test = null;
    List<String> configTeams = config.getStringList("Teams", test);

    it works fine, i just dont understand what the second argument in getStringList is used for, still works if I just set it to null. If it has a purpose i need to use could you let me know? otherwise thanks for the help :D
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