
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jarvisd, Jul 10, 2011.

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    Me and Pickle15, have been working on a Counter plugin, to count every time a sign is hit with redstone current. It counts it, by increasing so hit once, says 1 on the 3rd line, hit again, says 2 etc. We have hit a problem where, you need to wires, since one does the job and the other updates, the sign. We fixed this in a way, but we are stuck with a lot of overflow errors. When we call it, it throws a stackoverflow and counts 265 times in one tick. The coding works ok, but the update method forces us to use 2 wires. But it works perfectly if we comment it out, however you have to change blocks to force it to update. It only happens on this single event and only wires.
    So any advice would be nice to get, on how to fix our problem, feel free to ask questions if I wasn't clear in my post.
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