Problem about check command's arguments

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mewsf, Aug 25, 2014.

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    I'm trying to check a command's arguments before it's going to be performed like"/give xxx xxx" if its be in line with my requirements, but i only find "PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent " , i think it would only detect the players' actions, but i also want to do this on command blocks. Ideas?thx.
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    You are indeed looking for the PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent, and you're right about the fact that this won't detect Command Block commands. It also won't detect commands executed in console.
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    Server executed commands commands can be caught via the ServerCommandEvent. I don't think you can catch commands executed by command blocks.
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    There's also the ServerCommandEvent, which fires when the console executes a command, I'm not sure if it fires when command blocks do.
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    But it seems that it can't be cancelled.
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    mewsf Yes, you cannot cancel it.
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