Can someone that knows how to make a prison server help me with PaidRanks and if needed EzRankLite or PrisonRanks? I'm making a OP Prison server I can give you a rank and we can discuss what the ranks is. Also I need someone to show me how to use my ranks from PermssionsEx to if i'm right connect it to the other plugin. Need help badly by the way I don't need help with kits thanks. Maybe you can suggest what plugin I need for the /rankup part.
Okay, well, i own my own prison server, and, i can tell you what you need to do for your situation. I strongly suggest you use EzRanksLite, because in my experience with other plugins like those, i experienced problems with pex connecting to them, and the ranks not uploading correctly. So, to start off with EzRanksLite, it is very simple. First off you need to use the command /EzAdmin CreatRankup <Your Default Rank Name> <Next Rank> <Cost> then once your default name is out of the way, continue on with the rank you just made, but put it first... you should be able to get this by now. Once you are done with every rank, you next need to do /EzAdmin Enable <Rank> <Rank> so players can then rank-up to those ranks. This is critical or else they will not be able to rank-up. Next, for pex, you need to create all of the rank groups, and add permissions you need to default. This may take a while if you have a lot of permissions from all different kind of plugins you have. Once you know all your permissions are set, then you want to use inherent part of pex, which to do that, the command is /pex group <Group Name> parents set <Group Name>. Now the first group, is the one it is going to be adding a groups permissions towards, and the second group is the group that will be sending over the permissions. If this sounds confusing, look up a video on YouTube on how to do so. Finally for pex, you want to set all of the groups prefixs and then they are done! The ranks from the plugin will automatically be connected to pex, so when you do /rankup pex will know what it is doing, so by that, it is setting you in the next rank. Another cool feature in EzRanksLite, you can create a scorebaord, and add almost anything. You can create progress bars, and price count, your rank, or anything else a plugin uses by setting it using %<module>%. Now, one more thing i can suggest to make it easier for players, i suggest you use the plugin quicksell, and its easy to do. All you have to do it /quicksell create <Shop Name> Then /quicksell edit <Shop Name> <Block> <Price>. Then give the certain group, such as, lets say, Default/ Rank A, do /pex group default add<shop name>. Finally, the last thing i will suggest is using, PrisonGems, which allows players to do /upgrade, to allow them to make upgrade for enchants on there pickaxes. This is extremely helpful to not be with the same boring slow pick the whole time! This is basically all i can say to help you, but if you need any help, Good luck on your server, hope this helped. ~ Alex
How do I make it so i can use the EzRanksLite ranks and use the PermissionsEx rank so I can see both ranks?
I don't understand what you are meaning by that? If you asking how do you view them, you just do /ranks, and /pex groups. Or if your asking how do they connect, they automatically connect, and EzRanksLite knows to put you in the next permission group that is in order on its list.
Like is there a way I can use EzRanksLite ranks that I made and use the PermissionsEx ranks at the same time?
Yes, but how I did it took me a long time. Try doing some research on EzRanks it shouldn't be hard, just took me a long time since I had over 100+ ranks.