Price Guide [FORMATTED]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xBorn2play, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Suggested name: Price Guide

    A bit about me: I am a minecraft fan who helps run an ever-growing multiplayer VPS server we are looking for a plugin which could really help our server economy and I think it would really appeal to other servers.

    What I want: I am looking for a simple server plugin which will really improve server economy's for the better. Basically it is a type of price guideline plugin which allows users to do a command which will follow with this type of thing :
    (If I Had 64 Logs, 12 Diamonds + 45 Signs) when i typed /[command] it would follow with this:

    Inventory Value : (<---- Customizable)
    64 x Log = 5000
    12 x Diamond = 12000
    Signs Do Not Have A Recommended Price (<---- Customizable)
    Total = 17000

    The prices would be able to be set by the server owner and the messages customized. The owner could also not set a price for certain items and a customized message will follow something like the above. It would also like it to feature stuff like /price [Item] followed with the item price.
    e.g. /price Diamond would follow with...
    The Current Server Recommended Price is : (<----- Customizable Message)
    1 x Diamond = 1000
    32 x Diamond = 32000
    64 x Diamond = 64000

    - I would like the plugin to include all items including the different colour logs + wool + slabs e.c.t.
    - Also the ability to add colors to the (customized messages)

    Ideas for commands:
    Users : /invalue or /value and /price [item]or[item id]
    Mods/Admins : /price set [item/ID] [Desired Price]

    Ideas for permissions: priceguide.value and priceguide.setprice or priceguide.use and priceguide.mod

    Willing to pay up to: (Price can be arranged) If the plugin is up to scratch and you will agree to fix any bugs and update with 1.2 e.c.t....

    When I'd like it by: Whenever... The sooner the better obviously but there is no rush...

    Similar plugin requests: None.

    A Server Currently Has A Similar Plugin However They Are Keeping It Secret As It Is Customised, I can Give You IP Just Pm me Please...

    Devs who might be interested in this: TnT ChrizC codename_B @Nijikokun @Acorobt @saldarine @Secant @khyperia @ElgarL @Zenexer @schneeleo @khobbits @ementalo @essentialsteam @narrowtux
  2. Offline


    This doesn't seem too difficult, and it would be nice to have. I'll look into it. The first version would probably have a file to store the values, and the admin would have to edit it manually. Also, the first version probably wouldn't support changing the color of the messages. Later, an admin command and color support would be added, and maybe start storing the values in a database (although, including sql would be new to me). I would primarily want to get a working plugin out as soon as possible.

    If you'd like, I can start on this later today.

    One question, though. Should the price guide be like:
    Diamond = 1000
    or more like:
    1 Diamond = 1000
    32 Diamond = 35000
    64 Diamond = 80000
    I would assume you'd want the first one, but I just want to make sure.
  3. Offline


    Yoharnu :
    when you do entire value so /value it would appear like this
    (my inventory contains, 10 diamonds, 50 stone bricks, and a diamond pick,) it would appear

    Inventory Value :
    10 x Diamond = (set price)
    50 x Stone Brick = (set price)
    1 x Diamond Pick = (set price)
    Total = (total of above)

    if it has no price it will appear with, Diamond Pick = No Current Price

    but if they do /price [item] it appears with :

    1 x Diamond = 1000
    but they could do like /price [item] [amount] and it will appear with

    84 x Diamond = 84000
    this would help with more complex prices

    Yes It Would Really Help If You Started Today If You Are Willing To Help Please Private Message Me :)
  4. Offline


    Yoharnu are you still interested or anybody for that matter
  5. Offline


    This could hook into numerous economy/shop plugins couldn't it?
  6. Offline


    Yes but being compatible with iconomy is the most important

    I Would Be willing To Pay

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  7. Offline



    Wouldn't the plugin also need /buy and /sell? Otherwise what use is the price?
  8. Offline


    the use of the price is a guide for what they should be paying for in player run + autoshops

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