Prefix's Not Working for JUST ME

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Hockey234100, May 3, 2014.

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    Alright, so before my server opened me and my friend were dicking around with TnT and he spawned bats with end dragon healers on them, which crashed the server and I had to fix it. Basically I deleted my player data from world so I wouldn't spawn in that specific area. When I logged back on I didn't have any in the "chat" but it shows my rank in the welcome message. THe problem only persists with me, everyone else has prefixes. Ideas?
  2. Please show your permissions.yml
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  4. Ran it through the parser, came up with this:

    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 4
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 31
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 40
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 48
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 57
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 66
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 72
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 78
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 84
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 93
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 99
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 105
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 111
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 120
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 126
    Error: Element 'prefix': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 135
    Error: Element 'users': This element is not expected. Probably around line: 139

    probably used some tabs in places you werent supposed to
  5. Offline


    Nope, still not working.
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