Suggestion Prefixes, prefixes and more Prefixes.

Discussion in 'Forum Feedback' started by mrCookieSlime, Jan 30, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    So, I was thinking about what Prefixes might be useful for certain Sections and decided to also make a Thread here to see the response from the community.
    If you have any additional suggestions about more prefixes, don't hesitate to post it in this Thread and I will edit this Post as needed.

    • [Game]
    • [Discussion]
    • [Question/Help]
    Plugin Help/Developement/Requests
    • [Filled]
    Plugin Requests
    • [Minigame]
    • [Addon]
    • [Tweak]
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  2. Invisible


    @mrCookieSlime This is a great idea! Maybe something else in the plugin request section... Not sure what though.
  3. Offline


    Yea, prefixes for Plugin Requests would be nice as well. Any ideas?
    I think there aren't that many possibilities except for some things like
    Minigame, Prison, World Generators, etc...
    Or maybe even all Categories from BukkitDev, feel free to suggest some, I might add them to the OP.
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mrCookieSlime Categories like that get messy very fast though as you need loads and loads of them.
  5. Offline


    Yeah, that's true. However some Prefixes for that section would be nice though, doesn't have to be categories.
    Maybe just things like
    Big, Tweak, Addon, Minigame or Small
    Still, just suggestions ^^ The ones in theOP are the more important ones in my opinion.
  6. Invisible


    @mrCookieSlime Yeah, I agree. But stuff like Minigame or Tiny could be pretty nice... Of course not as important as the ones in the OP, as you said :D
  7. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    nverdier likes this.
  8. Invisible


    @timtower True true... I wonder if there's some way to rank them so it's more straight-forwards...
  9. Offline


    Probably not.
    However prefixes like Tweak or Addon can be judged very easily.
  10. Invisible


  11. Offline


    Yea, guess I will add it to the OP.
    nverdier likes this.
  12. Invisible


  13. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime While the [Solved] for Alternatives is a good idea,
    I think that the others are not abstract( not sure how I should describe it) enough.

    I think that the "old" square brackets are good enough ;)
  14. Offline


    i personally like the way those Prefixes look and would really like to see them used more often like in Offtopic but as I said, the ones for the Plugin Requests section are less important than the other ones as they arent needed and arent even close to cover all needs. However a few general ones might be helpful in some cases.
  15. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mrCookieSlime If you do things like that you also pretty much need double prefixes in my opinion.
  16. Offline


  17. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @mrCookieSlime Because you also have the filled and wip prefixes now, and then when you add those...
  18. Offline


    There is no WIP prefix in the Plugin Requests section.
    And if the request has been filled there is no need for an additional prefix, its just unnecessary. Same concept as the Solved and Answered prefix.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  20. Offline


    Well, however thinking about it, a WIP prefix might be appropriate sometimes as well. However most requests get filled quite quickly. But long term requests might find it useful sometimes.
    However I dont see a huge need for it as it wont be used often.
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