PowerRanger Morph

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by SeraphMoonblade, Jun 27, 2012.

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    Think back to our childhood. Remember the epic saturday mornings in which we would watch Power Rangers. Remember how we would gaze in wonder at those teenagers as they screamed ITS MORPHING TIME! turning into high tech heroes. Remember those cool looking helmets, the matching powersuits, the colors, the weapons, the intense martial arts action. THE GIANT MEGAZORDS we all know and love. Thats right people! I am asking for a power ranger plugin!
    Nothing too major.

    Here is the wishlist:

    1.) Ability to morph into any power ranger.
    -Have a command that lets you preset the color you want to be
    (e.g. /pr setcolor <yourname> <color>)
    -Message should look like this: Red/Blue/Green/Pink/Black/Yellow/White PowerRanger set!
    After you choose your preferred ranger, you would then use the morpher. The morpher should be a clock. The developer could choose a texture for it. Its up to the dev. if he/she wants to use the clock or morpher texture. You would right click the clock to morph. Again its up to the developer if they want to add effects to morphing. (e.g. Lightning,smoke,explosion)
    Your character skin should be a poweranger skin after activating the morpher. If you want to power-down, simply right click the clock again.

    2.)Enchanced abilities
    -Faster movement
    -increased jump height. Preferable with no fall damage after landing the jump.
    -stronger when unarmed. Something like more damage and more knockback when using your fist.

    3.)Config file
    -have a config file that you can change the duration of the morph.
    (e.g. MorphDuration: true/false)
    If its true, you would power down once your hunger gets to three bars.
    If false you can stay in your form as long as you like.
    -The developer can add more options if he/she wants.

    Well thats it for the wishlist. Ok developers! Think you can make this kick *** plugin?
    If you do, you would be the best developer of all. In my opinion anyway...
  2. Offline


    Man I feel old, thanks.. :p I remember MY kids watching them.

    When I was a kid on Saturday, was 3 Channels to pick from CBS/NBC/ABC..with Smurfs, Voltron, Bugs Bunny/RoadRunner Show, followed by "Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom"

    But for the plugin, Most of it can be done..other than changing the players skin, would need Spout for that.
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    As long as the developers can make it work, spout is no problem at all.

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