Possible to reload server.properties without stopping server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by bigbend, Aug 28, 2012.

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    I am trying to find a way to reload server.properties without stopping the server and starting it again. This is necessary because sometimes I need to change a setting in server.properties while people are logged into the server and I don't want to have to kick them off just os I can change the setting. Thanks!
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    Have you tried /reload?
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    I tried that but that didn't seem to reload the properties file.
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    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you're taking a risk to do /reload . It's not recommended to use that command.
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    /Reload tends to trigger various memory leaks causing your server to burn up more and more ram per reload. It's good for testing various configuration changes, not intended to keep your server running after to reload. A restart after a reload should always be performed.

    Regardless, there's no way to change the server.properties without restarting the server currently, you honestly should not have to change it that often. Instead, take precautions, broadcast to your users "We're making a configuration change, we'll be restarting in 10 seconds", It's not that difficult.

    However, I would agree that it would be nice if you could make a few changes, but a lot of stuff you change in server.properties requires the server to restart.
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