Port Forwarded Properly; Registers As Closed

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Zman1970, Dec 26, 2015.

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    Hi! I am currently trying to get a nice little server running for my friends and I. I have a rather adept understanding of these sorts of things, having been able to successfully Port Forward in the past. However, we recently changed our Service Provider from AT&T to Comcast. With this change, we upgraded to a NETGEAR C6300 Gateway.

    Now, with these new changes, I have been unable to Port Forward at all, regardless of which Port I try and use. I have searched for quite awhile, and have decided to write this Forum.

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    Do you know how to currently port forward with your new router? Each router has a specific way of doing it. For example, Apple routers use a program installed on a computer connected to the WiFi signal, however a router like Linksys requires you to go online to a "website."
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    Okay so if you do know how to port forward, did you open your internal ip (something like 10.01.9 - it can change sometimes) to port 25565 and open out from your external ip? To view your external up go to ipchicken and it will show it blue text. If you need your internal up from your computer not your router, search for cmd and open it and then type in ipconfig. Scroll down a bit and find your local ip, like 10.01.9. Reply to me if this doesn't make sense or if you need more help.

    Okay I just looked at that picture. You put your external ip as your internal. External is your routers ip which will eventually be your severs. Internal is that of your computer, which you have to find out. What this does in port forwarding is when a player connects, they go to your routers ip and enter through port 25565 and then connect to your computer via its internal ip. (Basically that internal ip is required so your router can direct people to the right computer. )

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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    Last time I was informed, the IPV4 Address was my Internal IP, and my External was that of my router (

    Edit: Resolved; It turns out that the Firewall had been covertly blocking me out, showing up as allowed when it actually wasn't. Thanks for the helps anyways, Cheers!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
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    Oh okay I see whats going on. That was the next step the firewall. Pesky things xD Glad you figured it out
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