Can the title of this be changed to Port Requests (or something that makes the purpose of the thread a bit more clear on first glance)? Hopefully that will reduce the number of threads with just 1-2 posts in this section...
I will be porting these over: [CmdAlert] [TeleConfirmLite] [RailProtect] [SignProtect] Does anyone know if there will be a better way at blocking commands from other plugins(for CmdAlert block funcitionality) on a dev version I basically have to get all the commands from a group then set the commands without the blocked commands.
OK, since this has become a community topic I have reordered the plugin lists - plugins with unknown status first and then a list of the plugins that have been confirmed to be ported eventually. This will make it easy to check the status of any plugin. Any moderator or admin is welcome to make changes to the topic, including a change of title as Masau suggested. I kept the priority colors for plugins we use on our server because I spent too much time on coloring them and because I can. ;-) @worloga - jnbt is part of WorldEdit (which is already ported!) and I won't put Clean on the list since it's no longer being maintained - even for hMod. Switch to Cleaner - which is going to be ported, too. ^^
Hmm...what about plugins that have already been ported What about a section for plugins that have already been ported (right now just iconomy and worldedit)?
Yeah, when there are more of them and when they are uploaded to - then I don't need to link to their topics on hMod anymore.
Repost of a thread I made, it was my impression this was not a priority list for the whole community. Personally my server only requires a handfull of plugins to maintain core functionality. Most of these will be complete rip-offs or just bukkit updated versions of existing hMod plugins Dead mans chest (keep inventory together, if at all possible) Per player or join date based spawn points StarGate network (for admin created fast travel across the server) SignCommands a sign to handle economy based commands (also usefull as a tutorial wall) Economy based chunk purchase & protection cuboid animations (animated drawbridge, rotating structures, automated vehicles / blimps) explosion protection (just like creepernerf)
If Towny doesn't get ported I may make a plugin for it. But I am not sure if it would be released publicly or if I would keep it private.
Bedrock Gap Insurance & Dungeon/Random Loot Maker will both be converted. I will also be converting my unreleased SQLite-based Economy plugin to use Bukkit exclusively.
I would like to convert my plugin PrivateWarp. Have to get into the API of bukkit so not sure how long it takes. Just setup a versioning system for it. Would like to note that my plugin is going to have 'vault' features.
Here's the list of plugins I currently run: CommandHelper GriefAlert iConomy MagicCarpet Tips VaultWarps Cleaner Warn BlastPick MagicTricks SnowBreak WorldGuard OnlineUsers CommandOn ftPlugin ListColors MinecartMania WorldEdit InvulnerabilityLite Stargate Vanish/iStealth TeleportConfirmation UpdatrPlugin
Add the NPC-Plugin. Its already updated to v4.1 by me and iam still waiting for release of bukkit to start porting. Going to post it in Plugins. cheers, Jimpi
tkelly said he would port all of his plugins (that haven't been abandoned) over - I guess that includes HelpTicket.
The only plug-ins I haven't seen on here and would really need are Cuboid, Road walker, Magic Carpet, Towny, and Dalachat. Also, Statgate would be nice, but I think I saw that somewhere on here.
i think the mods that i need are already on the list: Cuboid Plugin iConomy (and plugins) Borderlands
TeleConfirmLite is now ported, I need some people to test it
OK, for plugins that have been ported to Bukkit already I'll start linking to their new threads on these forums (if present). I also reversed the listing, since already ported plugins are the ones people want to know about and should stop requesting.
What does it mean when your cuboid is on the Unknown list? Can you guys please make sure that one gets on. Thats the most popular plugin period!
LWC is already ported, just no thread at the moment (even then, repo is for plugins not dev forum. It's not complete yet)