Plugins not listed in Preferences/Bukkit Plugins

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Cougar281, Jul 6, 2011.

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    I'm running MCMyAdmin Web/Server/Mc/jQuery v Pro/1.7.2/1.4.2 running on Ubuntu 10, 2.6.35-30 server kernel and Java SE 1.6.0_22. A friend of mine is running the exact same setup (Might not be Ubuntu, but is linux). On his server, he gets the plugins listed in the web console. On mine, they are not listed. I read about placing the MCMA_compat.jar in the existing plugins folder if upgrading, which I tried, but that didn't make a difference.

    My folder structure has a root filder called minecraft, and inside that are the plugins folder, McMyAdmin folder, world folders and all the files such as craftbukket.jar, McMyAdmin.conf, server.log, etc. The Plugins all load fine, they just don't show up in the web console.

    Does anyone have any thoughs on why the plugins aren't showing up in the web console?

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