Plugin tutorial to get more minestatus votes and have users promote themselves to builder status

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by treeetrunks, Aug 12, 2011.

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    I wanted to get more votes for my server since it's only a month old and page 14 was getting us some new players but i wanted more recognition on minestatus. I figured other server owners might want to do something similar if you'd like to move up in ranks on minestatus. Using this has already moved my server up to page 3 of minestatus ranks. Here's how.

    1. Users vote on the minestatus server and put in their in-game name for votifier while voting.
    2. The vote will transfer X amount of iconomy money to that player's account.
    3. Time Rank will let that user type /listranks to view what group they can promote themself to.
    4. /buyrank <rankname> will then take that X amount of money that they earned from their first vote on your server and promote them to builder's status.

    This is my first tutorial and I just made a mock up of what the plugin folder would look like using my plugin files for votifier and timerank. Any questions, ask away >.<

    Download links
    vapid2323 likes this.
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    NOOOOO dont tell people about this!! lol JK

    I did the same thing and I am about rank 60-65 most of the time, also on page 3.

    Thanks for sharing this
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    I mean, I know if other servers start using this and getting more votes, there's more competition for my server to stay up in rank, but at the same time, if my server survives harsh competition, then it proves we're that great of a server >.<

    Besides, it also covers 2 different plugins and how to do their configs, so i figured i'm saving votifier and timerank a lot of time in questions :)
  4. Offline


    wait holy shit I just watched a video on youtube for a tutorial and the profile picture is the same as yours treeetrunks... Is that yours lol?
  5. Offline


    Ah, it's hard for me to get votes because I own a Creative server. What I've done so far is give free World Edit access on votes, and top voter of the month gets a free rank upgrade.
    Any more ideas for a Creative server would be much appreciated.
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    The video doesn't work?
    Tobstah likes this.
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