Filled Plugin to Delete a File

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Eepmageep, Jul 10, 2015.

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    I would like a plugin that can delete a file.

    Command: /delfile [path] [file]
    For example: /delfile /plugins/CommandSync data.txt
    Permissions: delfile.command
    Any time within a week.

    Thank you.
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    Why would you need this plugin?
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    @timtower how do I respond to this? lol.
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    The issue is that that plugin needs GUI interaction to delete a file. I need a command to do it on it's own, because I want a scheduler to run it from the console every so often.
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    You already requested this, and @timtower locked the thread
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    I am just searching for projects on BukkitDev with the keyword "file".
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And I talked to the OP about it.
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    I do not believe that the plugin works anymore, whether it broke in 1.7, 1.8 or whatever. I tried it, and for everything, it said that the folder I was putting did not exist. I didn't know if my syntax for the path was wrong, so to test if the plugin was working, I did /dir (Description: Lists all the files!), and it didn't return any message, meaning it did not detect any files. The author did not respond to my PM and hasn't logged on for a month.
    It's possible I am not using the plugin correctly, so does anyone know the correct syntax for file path for this plugin?

    Like Tim said, he already talked to me about it. You said you might be able to make the plugin...could you please?

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
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