Question Plugin that keeps others up to date?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Garrett1199, Jun 24, 2015.

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    I am look for a plugin that will keep all my plugins up to date. A while ago I used craftbukkituptodate but it is no longer updated. Does anyone know of another plugin that can help. Thanks :D
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    @Garrett1199 there is 1 plugin called pluginupdater which does exacly this however, there is a huge risk. Sometimes authors of plugins dont upload their latest build to bukkit or spigot but to github or even dropbox so the plugin wont see it, then using a newer version then it can find sometimes can make it return in versions so 1.8.3 becomes 1.8.2 cause it cant find 1.8.3 (same story for 1.8.7 etc.) cause of this i removed it too much issues with it.

    This is partly because the plugin is far out of date, it still works but its not maintained anymore(last time i checked anyway)

    After initual startup u can make it ignore certain plugins from checks that u really dont wanna have it update for you, Works best for plugins like echopets and other plugins like those made by @mrCookieSlime which have a buildin update system.

    on that note: 1 of those also gave an update issue wouldnt update till i removed an older version x)
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    Okay thanks for all of the information. I really appreciate it
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