Plugin Specialist - Solving all your plugin problems!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by maxa2g, Apr 24, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    No Idea how to Fix?

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  2. Offline


    I belive He/she want to put mods in a bukkit server.

    Adn i believe what he meant was this

  3. Offline


    Hmm looks like a programming error with the .jar not 100% sure tho

    Umm u can...with some stuff spout makes it all possible but unless you can do some very interestingly good programming ...its very difficult

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  4. Offline


    I am using Citizens and have a problem spawning mobs. /spawnmob gives me the text but no mobs. If I remove citizens everything is working.

    Any idea why the conflict, could it be Vault?

    Also using: Essentials, GroupManager, MultiVerse
  5. Offline


    Do Mobs spawn at Night ?
  6. Offline


    Nope, and I just used a plugin to clean all worlds, only leaving pets/npc's left. Still no spawning.
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    Not sure but check your Config from Multiverse, could be that you disabled the Mobs.
  9. Offline


    Hi, im sure your probly busy but here is my problem, i have the newest citizens 1.2 and permissionsEx v1.19.1 and if someone is op they can create a npc but if they arent they cant do anything with citizens even if the have the "*" permissions node. But it they are the 'owner' rank (like me) they can even though CO-OWNER cant but co owner has the same permissions as owner.So it might have something to do with the permissionsEX rank system. I really need help any help or suggestions are appriciated.
    Thanks, Ben
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    maxa2g, thank you alot!
    I found a solution for 4 and 5.
    If anyone is searching for a plugin that ranks automatically up when you reach xx kills and also want to get specific items use "CommandRank". It's the best Plugin for automatically ranking up after reaching XX Kills or just being online for alot of time...

    Regarding to 2nd, thank you alot!

    Regarding to the 1st, I was actually looking for a plugin where people must send a request to join the specific channel..not a password and not even a permission node.
    For example: A Member needs help, so he types /support that will send a request to the admin to join the support chat, if any Admin accept, they both will be pushed into the "Support-Channel" where they can talk to each other.

    Regarding to the 3rd, what version of Essentials? Development Version or the latest stable version?
    I have the stable version and it doesn't seem to be there.
  12. Offline


    I need help making bSpace work
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


    How do i give my friends permissions to do /hero choose class and /bind
    for the heroes plugin?
  15. Offline


    Citizens has been causing a bit of problems with a few servers... it was working on mine fine with permissionsEX but i removed. Im gona w8 till Citizens2 Comes out =)

    As far as i am aware there is no plugin that allows you to push someone into a chat automatically you would have to get a plugin developer to build you this!
    For the essentials question try the full download

    Chances are you have messed up your permissions config that will usually disable all other plugins until it is fixed or removed!

    I dont use citizens anymore due to some bugs in it. imw8ing for citizens2 to come out =D (It might be a problem with your permissions files im not sure sorry send the error message through a pastbin link

    Watch my permissionsEX guide on the main page of this post

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Yes ive been having those errors as well on my server. I would suggest upgrading to the latest BETA build of bukkit
  18. Offline


    Ok I have some new questions:
    1. Plugin to customize Plugins shown when the user types /pl (or even a custom message)
    2. Make /list show only the numbers of people online, not a whole list with people.
    3. PvP Stats - Lag free Stats Plugin which takes record of killed people, and also has MySql + InGame Commands like /kills , /deaths etc. I have been using TopPvP for quite a while, but with the latest Version the Plugin seems to make my Server lag for 4000ms-6000ms (It's a big PvP Server)
    4. I still can't find the newbie protection, I have all 4 Essentials Jar's + GroupManager except the XMPP and GeoIP one. Maybe if you could make a screenshot or find the option in the config it would help me out alot :)
    Thank you in advance!
  19. Offline


    1.(I dont understant the question)
    2.Playerz is the plugin
    3.SimpleClans (all plugins cause some server lag to an extent)
    4.For protection use factions (Indiviuals can protect their own land) and worldguard (for admins)

    1.(I dont understant the question)
    2.Playerz is the plugin
    3.SimpleClans (all plugins cause some server lag to an extent)
    4.For protection use factions (Indiviuals can protect their own land) and worldguard (for admins)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  20. Offline


    Thank you for the quick reply,
    1. By that I mean the command /plugins which shows a List of all the Plugins currently "installed" on your Server.
    I wondered if there was a Plugin that could hide some of those, or change the message to something like "Plugins: PvPCore" I saw that on alot of other Servers..
    2. Thank you!
    3. My bad, I forgot that I SimpleClans had the Kills/Deaths Stats :D
    4. That's not exactly what I wanted. I actually mean a Newbie Protection for the new Players of the Server, because it's not fun if they instantly get killed by "stronger" people, that's why they need to have some sort of a PvP-Protection for a set amount of time, where they can run away.
  21. Offline


    1. i use a plugin called SLAMP (Stop Looking At My Plugins)
    1i think the new essentials can do this
  22. Offline


    1. The Plugin seems pretty old, from the comments it seems that it doesn't even work anymore.
    EDIT: Gives me error at startup, doesn't even generate the Config file...any alternative?
    4. Yes, that's why I asked you where the newbie protection option is located in the config.yml, since I can't find it.
  23. Offline


    MineCoupon problem. When I try and do, "/coupon create -1 8months manuadd?%player%?Builder" it creates it but doesnt make the person builder.
  24. Offline


    Its old but it works
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    my permissions.yml is blank, shud it be?
  27. Offline


    no.....if it is then your server has no permissions lol
  28. Offline


    I used to use Multiverse-Inventories but now I realized it uses too much ram. Therefore my server crashes. I was wondering if there was any way to export Multiverse-Inventories's username.yml files into username.dat files. So I can just start using one world again.

    Is there a downloadable program to do this? Or is there a plugin out?

    Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  29. Offline


    Sorry i have never used that plugin before i use myworlds =P much preferred
  30. Offline


    Hey so though i would try you guys out cause, my month is up on Is there any kind of
    Promotional Code
    i could get for the first month? going to get
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