Plugin (no player interaction)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MiliasColds, Jan 27, 2011.

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    I am writing this plugin for a class project, and i need to scan the world for all the block data, which means i need a world object, i can't seem to find where i can instance one of them to the current server world. once i have this i believe the other part (arbitrarily changing blocks) will be done through this object. and by all i mean subset, but not player position related :p
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    getServer().getWorlds() will return you the array of all the worlds. Currently there is only the one, so getServer().getWorlds()[0] will get you that world.
  3. Offline


    getServer() is static then ?
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    JavaPlugins have the method getServer(), so your plugin will inherit this, and you can use it.
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    TY, working on it it will be ant colonies if anyone is interested :p
    --- merged: Jan 27, 2011 10:48 PM ---
    hmm i got it all looking fine and all i get is invalid plugin :(
  6. Offline


    I *think* that means you forgot the plugin.yml file.
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