Plugin helper

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by superman11, Oct 7, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    i would like to be apart of somebodys next plugin since i cannot do so, because i suck at java.
    if u would kind enough to let me help on a plugin please do so
  2. If you wanna make plugins you should get a little better at Java first.
  3. Offline


    How would you expect to be part of a plugin if you dont know java. I suggest you learn or you could give ideas to plugin devs & they might give you credit.
  4. Offline


    but they wont let me upload teh plugin =(
  5. Offline


    What!?! Sorry but if you don't code it all you cant upload it unless you listed it as a fork of another plugin but still people dont like that.
  6. Offline


    You want to take credit for someone else's plugin?! That is plagiarism, you don't belong in the Plugin Developer group if you don't actually make plugins. I spent more than a month, making plugins before I finally submitted one and got put in the group. If you don't want to do the work, then you can't get the benefits. That's life.
  7. Offline


    ok, but how can i learn java if im not allowed on youtube huh?
  8. Your not allowed on youtube? Buy a book.
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