Plot area unlocking

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Camerode, Sep 16, 2024.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Plots

    Minecraft version: 1.20.6+ if possible

    Suggested name: PlotUpgrades

    What I want: As this may be complicated I have 2 ideas on how this can work, but the idea is that a player has a plot in a "plot" world, by default their plot is a house or a pre-designed schematic, the user owns that plot and can upgrade their plot. Upgrades are in a GUI if possible and some way to add new upgrades through configuration?

    • To explain upgrades, an example is that they don't have access to the kitchen for example, there is a "smoke" (particle) barrier blocking it, they then unlock the kitchen, they can now go into the kitchen.
    • Similarly to worldguard (if there can be a link to worldguard that would be perfection), another example is that some areas are buildable, some are not for example the house entrance, but some rooms you can place blocks, but one must upgrade to be able to place
    • Get more housing "plots" (this would also mean per plot upgrades)

    Two different ways I can think about doing this...
    1. First idea is by making this a plotsquared addon. People may have multiple plots if they have the plotsquared permission etc., if it's too much don't worry but if the house schamatic could automatically spawn on their plot when they get one (customisable schematic depending on config, kind of like a tiering system in upgrades)
    2. Second idea is making plots separately, when they get a house (customisable schematic depending on config, kind of like a tiering system in upgrades) it spawns 2x2 chunks away (example), only problem with this method is that plot visiting, plot home commands are also needed (along with normal plot setup and plot admin commands/permissions

    Ideas for commands:
    • /PU upgrade <PlotNum> (Default plot, but can add numbers after if multiple)
    • /PU setup (GUI or non GUI example for setting up buildable/unlockable areas etc, auto-updates GUI for new config settings)

    Ideas for permissions:
    • PlotUpgrade.<UpgradeName>.<PlotNum> (Adds an upgrade to a user)
    • PlotUpgrade.setup (/PU setup)

    When I'd like it by: As this may be fairly large, it would be great to have it within a month but I am very interested in its completition.

    Couldn't think up too many ideas for commands/permissions, feel free to add in what you think is best to any part of this post (I'm not a developer haha)!

    Thank you for your attention! Happy to correspond if you need it!

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