A bit about me: Server admin looking to customize my server with a cool plugin made for me. What I want: I need a plugin made for my Minecraft server. You know yhe plugin Towny (if not I'm not sure if I want you making my plugin), I want to make A plugin like Towny but for stores SHOPY? More info: Heres how it will work your A player you want to make A shop, heres what you do, take A stick (maybe configable?) select both of the opposites corners like the residence plugin if you know what that is (maybe the plugin works with the Residence plugin?) Then you type something like /shop create (Name). When you do that it will broadcast A message (Name) Has Opened A Shop Called (ShopName) Come Check It Out! It will say that in A noticeable color. Workers part of the plugin: Now that he made the store he can get workers by typing something like Townys join town message then the player can Accept Or Deny. The player can decide weather to pay there workers by time or by sales or if they want work for free. But they have to pick 0ne 0f them. The worker can type /shop job quit at any time A player can only work for 2 Jobs at once. If we do the pay by sales we would have to link the plugin in with iConomy Shops. Advertising Part: Now That We've Covered Workers Now Where On To Avertising. The Owner Or A Worker Can Pay To Have A Advertise About there shop. There Are Three Types Of Advertisements: 1 time advertising, Long Time Advertising, Or Spawn Advertising. 1 Time Advertising Is What It Sounds, Buy It For A Configured Price And It Broadcasts Once A Message They Say. The LongTime Advertising Is The Same Thing But It Happened Over And Over Again Ever Configured Time. Spawn Advertising Is Just A Suggestion If Its DoAble But Basically You Have Signs Only A Person With A Certain Permission Node Can Place With [Advertise] On The First Line And The Price On The Second Line And The Owner Of The Sign On The Third Line On The Fourth Line How Long The Advertisment Stays.. It Should Cost Something To Place A Sign A Configured Price And When A Shop Owner Right Clicks The Sign It Lets Them Edit The Sign To Wright Whatever They Want The Sign Stays Like That For However Many Days It Said On The Sign Then It Goes Back To [Advertise] When The Times UP! Ok Now The Last Feature Broke. Other: I Don't Really Care If You Add This But If You Want You Can I'm Not Sure How It Would Really Work But Someway For The Store To Go Broke And Have This Option Be Configable. Like Broke: True Or Broke: False. Ok Well If You Have Any Questions Or Want To Make This Plugin Please Comment. More Info Below. Ideas for commands: /shop create (Name Of Store) /shop info (Name Of Store) /shop delete (Name Of Store) /shop advertise (Kind Of Advertisement) /shop job quit /shop addworker (Player Name) Probably a lot more just a little list. Ideas for permissions: shop.create - able to make a shop. shop.delete - able to delete a shop. shop.admin - able to do everything and override everything. shop.sign.advertise - able to make [Advertise] signs. Probably a lot more just a little list. Willing to pay up to: $5? maybe more maybe less. When I'd like it by: Doesn't matter as long as it gets done. Similar plugin requests: Idk But here are: Links For All Plugins Mentioned Towny Residence iConomy ChestShop
im sorry i dont want to say this but... why is every word capitalized? please use this format http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/example-plugin-request-formatting-formatted.46919/ if you want me to look at this again, then organize it.. thanks
I got through the first couple lines then said bawls to it.... that is too much eyesore for me. As for you plugin it sounds like you just want towny but with shops built into it. You probably would need a new econ plugin created with this in order to get full control.
I thought towny already did this? I knew a few months ago there was a addon for the main towny. Im wondering if its still active
dont know xD all I know is that from the sounds of it he wants towny, with shops, and players get paid.
It Seems Like If You Going To Take Time To Make A Plugin You Would Want More Details And If You Can Bother To Read This I Don't Think Your Going To Make A Plugin! Kinda I Want It Like That But Custom To My Likings And Just For Shops. I Don't Have Towny On My Server And I Don't Plan To. This Would Give 3 Jobs: Store Owner, Workers, And People Who Make Money Off The [Advertise] Signs. I was just waiting for someone to ask me that idk I do it in minecraft for some reason and I got used to it Sorry first time asking for a plugin or posting on the forums all together next time ill do that. If you are willing to take a shot on trying to make it ill reformat it. Nope JK..... OF COUSE ITS SERIOUS. Reformatted EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Five whole dollars? I don't think you could outsource this project to Eastern Europe or India for that little money. this might be a good opportunity to learn how to program. Everything you need to start is free.
Every Word Capitalized Shouldn't Be Used, If You Want Us To Consider It Make It Read-Able. Alright done with that, after actually being able to read more of it It sounds like you just want protected shops with jobs?
I Said More Or Less Ill Go Up Higher I tried to fix most of it Closets plugin to it so far. Just like that but instead of a virtual shop it be chest shops and this will have more the Workers and Advertising Features. Thanks I'm sure there are a ton more errors I typed it fast. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.