Please help with GaListener/Votifier!!!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Mahid Azad, Jun 19, 2015.

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  1. Offline

    Mahid Azad

    Config For GaListener

    #  GAListener v1.3.1
    #  settings section
    #  onlineonly - Only delivers rewards when the player is online.  If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    #  luckyvote - Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote.
    #  permvote - Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions.
    #  cumulative - Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes.
    #  broadcastqueue - Show broadcast message for queued votes.
    #  GAListener v1.2
    #  settings section
    #  onlineonly - Only delivers rewards when the player is online.  If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    #  luckyvote - Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote.
    #  permvote - Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions.
    #  cumulative - Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes.
    #  broadcastqueue - Show broadcast message for queued votes.
    #  broadcastoffline - Show broadcast message for offline queued votes.
    #  broadcastrecent - Show broadcast message to recent voters (last 24 hours)
    #  votecommand - Enables the /vote command which will show the message contained in the votemessage section at the bottom of the config.
    #  rewardcommand - Enables the /rewards command which will show a list of all the cumulative voting rewards.
    #  joinmessage - Show the message contained in the joinmessage section at the bottom of this config when a player joins the server.
    #  voteremind - Message players who haven't voted in the last 24 hours. Shows the message contained in the remindmessage section at the bottom of this config.
    #  remindseconds - How often (in seconds) between each reminder message.
    #  logfile - Log received votes to vote.log file.
    #  dbMode - Database mode. Use either mysql or sqlite.
    #  dbFile - Database filename for SQLite.
    #  dbHost - Database IP / Hostname for MySQL.
    #  dbPort - Database port for MySQL.
    #  dbUser - Database username for MySQL.
    #  dbPass - Database password for MySQL.
    #  dbName - Database name for MySQL.
    #  dbPrefix - Database table prefix.
      onlineonly: true
      luckyvote: false
      permvote: false
      cumulative: false
      broadcastqueue: true
      broadcastrecent: true
      broadcastoffline: false
      votecommand: true
      rewardcommand: true
      joinmessage: true
      voteremind: false
      remindseconds: 300
      logfile: false
      dbMode: 'sqlite'
      dbFile: 'GAL.db'
      dbHost: 'localhost'
      dbPort: 3306
      dbUser: 'root'
      dbPass: ''
      dbName: 'GAL'
      dbPrefix: ''
    #  services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
    #  The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote.
        broadcast: '&9&o{username} &ehas voted using &c&L/vote &eAnd won a &c&LVote Crate Key &eAnd a &c&L1.5 Sell Buff!'
        playermessage: '&eThanks for voting, heres your prizes!'
        - '/cratekey give {username} vote 1'
        - '/asa addmultiplier {username} 1.5 0:0:10'
    #  luckyvotes section
    #  The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $1000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $1000 and 100XP.
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $1000!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an extra $1000!'
        - '/eco give {username} 1000'
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was super lucky and received an {GREEN}extra 100 XP and $1M!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}You were super lucky and received an {GREEN}extra 100 XP and $1M!'
        - '/xp give {username} 100'
        - '/eco give {username} 1000000'
    #  permission reward section
    #  This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward.
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
        - '/give {username} 264 10'
    #  cumulative reward section
    #  This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes.
        broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}20 Diamonds!'
        playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!'
        rewardmessage: '20x Diamond'
        - '/give {username} 264 20'
    #  blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world.
    - world_blocked
    #  Available formatting codes for messages:
    #  {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
    #  {username} {player} {name} = player username
    #  {votes} = current vote total
    #  & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes
    - '&6&lVOTE&f | &7/vote'
    - '&6Oo-----------------------oOo-----------------------oO'
    - '&2Planet Minecraft:&a'
    - '&'
    - '&2MineStatus:&a'
    - '&6Oo-----------------------oOo-----------------------oO'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - 'You have not voted recently, please vote to support the server'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - 'Vote for us every day for in game rewards and extras'
    - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'
    #  Additional formatting codes for below:
    #  {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards
    #  {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards
    #  {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop
    #  {username} = player name - used for /votetop
    rewardformat: '&b&LTEST'
    votetopformat: '&9{POSITION}. &e&o{username} &8- &9&N{TOTAL}'
    - '&7========== &8[ &9&NRewards&8 ] &7========='
    - '&7========= &8[ &9&NTop Voters&8 ] &7========='
    - '&7You currently have &9&N{votes} &7Votes'
    The problem im having is that all the websites connect to the address(Votifier Port and other things) but GaListener or something isn't receiving the vote. The voting website says successfully voted but nothing happens. /Fakevote works and so does the command /vote but the broadcasts never happen and no rewards are given. If you need more info tell me what to post. The server is if you would like to test things out.
  2. Offline


    I would put money down on the likelyhood that if you restart your server, and look at the entire latest.log file during that startup process, you will see a big blob of error/warnings from votifier telling you that it is unable to bind to port.

    How did I guess that - because a website will indicate a successful vote even if the server is off, it just means the voting site script was able to throw the ball out, doesn't mean the server caught it. And because your address is not the default port # for minecraft, meaning your host has multiple users using the same ip, and some other user has managed to use the deafult votifier port already for the ip you all share.

    If this is the case, you need to change the votifier listener port to something else (generally, mathematically add a number from 10 to 100 to the default votifier port, chances are low someone else picked that one too already; if they did, and its still bound, try another random addition. Repeat until you dont get the 'unable to bind port' error

    Now in case you want to say I lose money on the bet, pastebin your entire latest.log file after restarting the server and letting it startup, and lets see if there are other errors or alerts to keep an eye out for
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