Player race Info card Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ThunderDragon32, May 15, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Role Playing

    Suggested name: Player race info card

    What I want: I would like a plugin that when you do /prc card it gives a Map or Book doesn't matter. With this card you put your info in race, age, location born, Gender, Characteristic. You will need the player race card in your hand to do this. When right clicking a Player race card THAT DOESNT BELONG to anyone else you can put your name on it.
    Race Ideas only these you can choose: Elf, Gnome, Dwarf, Dragonborn, Human, Half-Orc, Neko, Goblin, Ghost, Lupin, Pixie, Fairy, Shadow Siren, Shade, Half-Ender, Ender, Bluecap, Redcap​
    Characteristics: Helpful, Gentle, Sassy, Careful, Dry, Quirky, Calm, Rash, Bitter, Sweet, Bashful, Quiet, Tasteful, Modest, Naive, Jolly, Serious, Mysterious, Hasty, Timid, Lax, Impish, Relaxed, Docile, Bold, Naughty, Hardy, Lonely, and Adamant.​
    Ideas for commands: /prc card - To get the player race card
    /prc race (race) - To pick your race
    /prc age (age) -To put your age​
    /prc lb (lb) -To put your location born​
    /prc c (Characteristic) -To put your Characteristic​
    /prc g (Gender) -To put your Gender​
    Format of Card:​
    Location Born​
    Ideas for permissions:
    PlayerRaceCard.get -Gets the Player Race Card Needed to put the info.
    When I'd like it by: Soon as possible!
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