Plugin category: Chat related. Suggested name: ExtraChatFeatures What I want: I have 2 features I would like to be filled. 1. When in-game, if PlayerA says PlayerB's name in chat, for ONLY PlayerB, it would highlight his name with §d so it looks white for every other player but him. 2. When player a talks, for player a, the text they typed will show up as §a only for player a, so it would show up white for every other player. Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: none When I'd like it by: Anytime, thank you.
So when a player sends a message, it highlights their message just for them? and when a player receives a message, it highlights their name?
Hey, I've made this plugin. PM me for my server I.P. so you can test it out, and tell me if it's what you want
jahoman DarkFuzzyCookie I can't see it either, didn't say anything cause I thought it might've been my fault
DarkFuzzyCookie Upload file dosen't link them, you have to put the link in your post so we can see it.