Player ip on PlayerLoginEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by illusion9, May 13, 2011.

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    Hey guys
    I am a total newbie in java and bukkit, though not programming, so i am extremely sorry if a RTFM can help me. I've read the javadoc's and all i can get to is a call to getHandle().a.b.b() - i get lost after that, i think that references notch's code?

    I'm trying to improve on AnjoCaido's SimpleBan plugin - make it work like the vanilla banip, instead of players logging in and then getting kicked i want to totally cancel the login event.
    I found what i needed about the kicking itself, but i can't get the ip from the PlayerLoginEvent
    I guess there has to be a way to get the ip before the actual join, since the vanilla banip does that, but it always fails with a null pointer exception:
    java.lang.NullPointerException at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer.getAddress(
    I try to get the ip that way: (event is PlayerLoginEvent event)
    Is there actually a way to get the player ip at that point of the login, before the JOIN event has kicked in?
    And if there isn't is there a way to let the user log in the server so the ip will be available but suppress the login message (player joined the game)
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    Is it impossible?
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    Look into using the PlayerPreLoginEvent for this, instead.
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    Seems i am still doing something wrong. When does this event get called? Because i can't seem to catch it
    Doing this:
    public void onPlayerPreLogin(PlayerPreLoginEvent event) {
    System.out.println("[test] prelogin");
    public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event) {
    System.out.println("[test] login");
    In the listener class (extends PlayerListener) i only get 16:26:49 [INFO] [test] login in the console, not prelogin
    And the ip address variable I set in preJoinEventHandler isn't touched, stays the same as defined in onEnable()
        public void preJoinEventHandler(PlayerPreLoginEvent event) {
    this.address event.getAddress();
    So basically it seems this event isn't being called for some reason?
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    onPlayerPreLogin only works in online mode.

    You can get the ip in onPlayerLogin by setting the result to Allowed and getting the message. Something like this should work:
        public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event) {
            if (event.getResult().equals(Result.ALLOWED)) {
                ip = event.getKickMessage();
    This thread is in the wrong location, so I'm moving it.
  6. Offline


    You can also use:
    String ip = event.getPlayer().getAddress().toString().substring(1,event.getPlayer().getAddress().toString().length()).split(":")[0]);
  7. Offline


    Thank you so much for the help :)
    I finally got it working. Bukkit has an awesome community.

    Oh, wow, that's a long line of code. Thanks for helping, though i got it working using EvilSeph's way.
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