Pitch and Yaw not working in locations.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Muod, Apr 28, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Okay so I have this code
    public static String serializeLocation(Location l)
            String s =  l.getWorld().getName() + ";" + l.getX() + ";" + l.getY() + ";" + l.getZ() + ";" + l.getPitch() + ";" + l.getYaw() + ";";
            return s;
    and also
    public static Location deserializeLocation(String s)
            String toget = plugin.GemWars.getString(s);
            String[] args = toget.split(";");
                String worldS = args[0];
                String xS = args[1];
                String yS = args[2];
                String zS = args[3];
                String pitchS = args[4];
                String yawS = args[5];
                  World world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldS);
                  double x = Double.parseDouble(xS);
                  double y = Double.parseDouble(yS);
                  double z = Double.parseDouble(zS);
                  Float pitch = Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(pitchS));
                  Float yaw = Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(yawS));
                  Location loc = new Location(world, x, y, z, pitch.floatValue(), yaw.floatValue());
                  return loc;
    Then to teleport I use
    Though that only teleports you to the correct place. The direction and place your looking is off. Anybody know why? I'm not getting errors
  2. Offline


    I am 99.9% sure you don't need the pitch and yaw. I recommend using this:
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