PHYSICAL PvP Leaderboards Idea

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by LordMarkXD, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun? | Misc | Info

    Suggested name: PhysicalBoards?

    What I want: A physical leaderboards setup similar to the boards you make for the Survival Games plugin that shows who's in which arena, But this shows PvP Leaderboards, and maybe when someones on a streak it clears all the signs and says "{PLAYER} Is on a killstreak # kills!" and then returns to the leaderboards like when someone wins in an arena with the Survival Games plugin.
    And maybe integrate with other plugins such as mcMMO and iConomy and TopPVP to show other stats.

    Ideas for commands: /pb addboard, /pb deleteboard ?

    Ideas for permissions: boards.admin not really much to do in-game, would have to be more config-based, But for the potential of this plugin I'd be more than willing to go through a bit of Configuration

    When I'd like it by: Soon hopefully, As soon as I saw the Survival Games I wanted one of those boards but didn't like the idea of having a Hunger Games server.


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