Hello there! I am here to show you the simplicity of PEX. PEX does not use World Permissions for each world, thus reducing work. The Commands are quite simple and can be found in the game itself. What PEX does is organises your server so each rank has their own privileges! Admins have names such as: [Admin]Kunark2910 or mods such as [Mod]SkythekidRS. Create your own ranks like [VIP] or [Premium] etc! Nodes such as: essentials.thru are Permission Nodes for the command: /thru Here is an example. essentials.help essentials.spawn essentials.tp essentials.tpa essentials.tpaccept And so forth. Here is an example using essentials for a default group: groups: default: default: true prefix: '&8[Default]&f' permissions: - essentials.spawn - essentials.sethome - essentials.home - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.help - essentials.kit - essentials.warp - essentials.msg - essentials.whisper - essentials.r - essentials.tell options: build: true inheritance: - default rank: '1000' Have fun with PEX! Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/permissionsex/ YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjzEpwmMFcvBRlPhdwOvvA Any issues, Please ask!