Solved Pex negative permissions not working.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by UltiFix, Sep 8, 2013.

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    So I was messing around with negative permissions for my admins, because for my admins I give them the * permission then minus of ones like setspawn and stop but I wanted to see if they could still run the commands when they were a admin and they could. Here is my pex permissions.
  2. Offline


    Where did you hear about 'negative permissions'?
  3. Offline


    Um maybe I just worded it wrong.. I mean to give the * permission then negat some off.
  4. Offline


    I know but I never knew you can do that, are you sure that you can do that?
  5. Offline


    Um yes.... Like 99.9 have you looked at the wiki or anything?
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    UltiFix are you putting the negation nodes before *? PEX (and any other permission plugins) read permissions top-to-bottom, so a wildcard will take priority over negating nodes below it (and vice versa).

    EDIT: Saw your permissions file. Yeah, you need to put the wildcard at the end of the list.
    UltiFix likes this.
  8. Offline


    Um, the pex wiki. I see you don't know a lot about pex... So id recomend reading the pex wiki and maybe watching some youtube videos.

    Thanks! I could of swarn I was doin somethin wrong.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
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