Solved Pex + EssentialsChat prfixes aren't showing up?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jips4567, Jun 24, 2017.

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    I'm having trouble with PermissionsEx mixed with Essentials Chat manager. Here are is my essentials config file and here is my Pex permissions file. When I run my server and do /pl Pex is not red. I am not added to the default member group, but I can use commands to add myself to groups and the available commands correspond to the group.. so that works. However my name is still white. I can edit the color using Essentials Chat line 667 but that's just the global color. How can I make it to where the Pex colors are what show up?

    Sorry if that was confusing.. the short version: my name color only corresponds to the essentials chat setting even though I am clearly in the Pex group.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2017
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    Still no color change. I see that {GROUP} was added which adds the Essentials group system, if I remember correctly. I do not want that one because it just says default. For some reason {Displayname} isn't connecting to Pex.. maybe I missed changing a boolean somewhere? Or maybe my prefixes are formatted incorrectly? (So now I still have an all white message that says "default jips456: message") Thanks for the progress though :)

    Update: I added pex ranking numbers.. still nothing

    Update 2: I happen to glance at the console on startup and noticed a line saying "Pex prefixes won't work until Vault is installed" so I found the plugin Vault and added it to my plugins folder.. in case anyone is stuck on this. Thread closed
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
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