I have lots of plugins they are: Chat Manager Disguise Craft Essentials Essentials Spawn Grief Prevention Permissionsex modify world World edit Simple auto-save Survival Games ProtocolLib When I lode up my server and type / help it says you do not have access to commands even though I am op. I think it has something to do with my permissionsex groups file. So here is what is says. groups: default: default: true inheritence: [] prefix: '[&6Member] &7 permissions: - modifyworld.* - essentials.help - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpa - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.exemptdelay - essentials.workbench - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.pay - essentials.sell - essentials.worth - essentials.afk - essentials.afk.kickexempt - essentials.afk.auto - essentials.itemdb - essentials.list - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.mail.sendall - essentials.motd - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.url - essentials.nick - essentials.realname - essentials.recipe - essentials.rules - essentials.suicide - essentials.delhome - essentials.home - essentials.home.bed - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome.bed - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.helpop - griefprevention.claims - griefprevention.createclaims - griefprevention.buysellclaimblocks - griefprevention.loginspam - essentials.spawn VIP: prefix: '&a[VIP] &7 ' inheritence: - default permissions: - essentials.bigtree - essentials.enchant - essentials.exp - essentials.exp.give - essentials.feed - essentials.fly - essentials.fly.safelogin - essentials.hat - essentials.heal - essentials.kits.* - essentials.more - essentials.ptime - essentials.repair - essentials.repair.armor - essentials.repair.enchanted - essentials.speed - essentials.book - essentials.book.author - essentials.book.title - essentials.compass - essentials.powertool - essentials.powertooltoggle - essentials.whois - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.enderchest - essentials.essentials.ping - essentials.sethome.multiple - disguisecraft.notarget - disguisecraft.mob.* - disguisecraft.burning - disguisecraft.nopickup - disguisecraft.blocklock - disguisecraft.noarmor Donator: prefix: '&4[Donator] &7 ' inheritence: - VIP permissions: - essentials.top - essentials.jump - essentials.spawnmob.* - essentials.enderchest - essentials.antioch - essentials.spawner - essentials.near - essentials.ignore - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.back - essentials.keepxp Hunter: prefix: '&b[Hunter] &7 ' inheritence: - Donator permissions: - griefprevention.deathblow - griefprevention.restorenature - griefprevention.restorenatureaggressive - griefprevention.lava - griefprevention.eavesdrop - disguisecraft.* - essentials.tpohere - essentials.teleport.hidden - essentials.tpo - essentials.teleport.hidden - essentials.vanish - essentials.lightning - essentials.fireball - essentials.ext - essentials.burn - essentials.helpop.receive - essentials.unlimited Admin: prefix: '&8[Admin] &7 ' inheritence: - Hunter permissions: - worldedit.* - griefprevention.ignoreclaims - griefprevention.deleteclaims - griefprevention.adjustclaimblocks - griefprevention.admineavesdrop - griefprevention.admineavesdrop - griefprevention.spam - essentials.tpall - essentials.setwarp - essentials.sudo - essentials.setjail - essentials.thunder - essentials.togglejail - essentials.unban - essentials.unbanip - essentials.vanish.see - essentials.list.hidden - essentials.teleport.hidden - essentials.kick - essentials.kill - essentials.enderchest.others - essentials.enderchest.modify - essentials.deljail - essentials.give Dark Overlord: prefix: '&0[Dark Overlord] &7 ' inheritence: - Admin permissions: - essentials.nuke - essentials.god - essentials.item Owner: prefix: '&3[Owner] &7 ' inheritence: - Dark Overlord permissions: - '*' So can someone post what I need to do to make commands work again.
The issue is that PEX will not work In-game until you set it to. The reason for this is to prevent Hackers accessing the command ingame. To enable PEX in-game for your user only, go to the command console and type the following command: pex user YourUsername add permissions.* This will than give you access to the in-game PEX commands. I hope this helps! Onyblia
He has '*' in his owner group... which mean he has access to every commands.... As Iroh said, pastebin...
So you would think but On my server it's the same. Even with the '*' it still needs the individual user or group to have permissions.* for them to access PEX in-game
The problem is that if I try and do any command it will not let me even though I am an op. I can't even do /help.
Well apart from the horrendous formatting, the member group needed a ' after prefix. Here I fixed it all. http://pastebin.com/JHYhzrxB Edit: Default not member my bad