Solved Permissionsex Error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Chryso24, Jun 23, 2014.

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    Hey I've Tried To Run A Server These Days But I've encountered a problem with permissions generally :D
    when i open my server at some point it says :error : permissionsex could not be enabled due to an earlier error
    what is this plz help fast :( btw here is my permissions flie : )

    Edit: I Would Appreciate it if someone took the time to teach me a few things with these damn permissions :)

    0_0 oh sr wrong place for this :D how can i delete it :p

    ill post it in the right section -,-

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    This was the right section btw. :p

    So you forgot some colons and put the build: true line in the wrong spot. Here's a fixed version:
    If you use PEX version 1.21.4 or earlier:
    If you use PEX version 1.22: (they changed where things go with the latest version)
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    ok thnx i got a little confused with the sections but im ok now :D ty [solved] :p
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    JaguarJo build: true/false is not used by PermissionsEx
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    It is, it just has to be in the options section and you have to have a plugin that uses it, like EssentialsAntibuild, for it to work. My server's been using the build: true/false with PEX for over a year.

    I thought there used to be an example in the PEX wiki that showed a permissions file using it, but I've looked at all the pages and can't find it, so maybe it changed when they did their latest page revisions.
    TreeDB likes this.
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