Solved PermissionsEX doing... weird

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EvilDevil59NL, Nov 28, 2013.

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    Wondering if anyone has ever seen this. btw, all commands were executed through the console;

    /pex group noobie
    Will show all of my permissions in the group, rank info etc. This group is the default group as well.
    /pex user (My_Playername)
    Will give my stats, will show that im in the group noobie, but doesnt show me any permissions from the group self.

    So after that, i manually added a sample permission (test.permission) directly to my username. After re-entering the command "/pex user (My_Playername)" the permission did show up. Any idea why i do not get the permissions from the group noobie inherited, while i am in the group?

    Thanks in advance!

    Added parts of my permissions file down here. For some reason the spaces aren't copied over., but i can assure you that those are correct;

    #Start of the group

    default: true
    rank: '100'
    rank-ladder: default
    - all of the permissions

    #End of the group

    #Start of my username, manually added in the permissions file

    - noobie
    - test.permission

    #End of the user settings
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