Permissions.yml >:( [Solved]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Spoonman1255, Dec 25, 2015.

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    I am in desperate need of help. I am new to running a server. At first it was just my wife and her sister playing but now friends have joined and I need to setup permissions.yml. I am getting this error: "WARN Server permissions file permissions.yml is not valid YAML: mapping values are not allowed here" and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I followed a example of a permissions.yml that I found on a forum here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also, I don't know the best way to upload my current permissions.yml so I'll just copy and past. Sorry for being a noob!

    default: true
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: false
    default: false
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    - Guest
    default: false
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    - Member
    default: false
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    build: true
    - '*'
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    First, you need to format that, with spaces, etc.. use Notepad++.
    Second, I'm not user-friendly with bukkit permissions.yml, I use permissionsEx plugin.

    There is already a thread here that explains it.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    @Spoonman1255 The permissions.yml created by CraftBukkit is not meant to give players permissions.

    Are you using PermissionsEx for this, or are you trying to put that into the permissions.yml in the base plugin directory?
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    The base plugin directory. I kept getting errors with permissionsEx so I was just trying to keep it simple..
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    Like all the stuff up above, I'd use a permissions plugin. Also if you need help with some tips and tricks just ask me as I remember when I was in your shoes. I know how confusing it can be sometimes! xD

    I suggest bPermissions personally. I have had far less issues with b than with PEX. Just gotta format your bPermissions correctly.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    Yeah. The permissions.yml in the server directory isn't used for player permissions. You'd have to use a permissions plugin, and PEX is simply the best from my experience.
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    Alright, I tried using PEX and it broke everything.. lol so I uninstalled it and gave bPermissions a shot and I got it working. I currently have Default, Moderator and Admin. I just threw a few permissions on there in the format from a guide I found. Things like - ^bukkit.ban and - ^bukkit.op and then logged on to the server. I'm able to set myself as all 3 and the prefix I setup works, but when I set myself as the Default group I am still able to op, deop, ban, and unban. Am I missing something here?

    EDIT: I'm stupid... I was still opped so It let me do everything anyway. I deoped and wasn't able to op anymore. Everything working well so far! A big thanks to everyone that helped.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
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