Solved Permissions Request. (MINECRAFT 1.2.3)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xXRavenBlazeVGXx, Mar 12, 2012.

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  1. Hi im the play xXRavenBlazeVGXx In Minecraft and i need some permissions help.
    and, yes i know on youtube there are videos.But they're only for pc or viruses. PS:Im A Mac!
    DONT GIVE ME EXPLANATIONS HOW TO DO IT!!! Im looking for a premade permissions link with the things below :)
    This Is The Permissions I Want Roughly:

    Permissions:ALL PERMISSIONS

    Permissions: Most Permissions except for time and smite commands (If Possible) If Isnt just Give Him all permissions.

    Admin: pigmanriley
    Permissions: Spawning commands allowed no thor or smite.

    Permissions: Spawning commands allowed, no thor or smite.

    Permissions: Default commands only allowed with kicks and bans.

    ***PLEASE NOTE***

    None on theses players except for owner i want to have op, only XXRAVENBLAZEVGXX can have operator commands.

    Post Soon, I Need Help Quickly, ~Raven.
  2. Go look up PermissionsEX or some other permissions plugin, then start looking at command package plugins (like commandbook for example, there are lots of them) .. read the respective tutorials.

    Understanding how your permissions plugin works is central to administrating a server, chances are you will be making many changes to your permissions set up over the course of your servers lifetime.

    I would try reading the wiki's about how to host and set up a bukkit server but don't expect any quick 5 minute videos that explain everything, it takes alot of patience, time and understanding to run your own server.

    But in regards to setting up a 1.2.3 server ... I would wait until Bukkit release a recommended build and allow time for plugins to be updated and confirmed to be working with the recommended build before you jump into starting your own server, currently everything is dev/beta mode and things will not work as you expect them to, which if you dont know how they worked before 1.2 you will get frustrated and not know whats not working nor why.
  3. Okay i know what your saying its just i dont wanna try, ive tried to do this but i fail, i know if i follow the instructions correctly then ill win but it will never be what i want the permissions to be, i dont wanna do it. So im NOT going to do it so please dont reply those comments telling me HOW i just want a simple thing to download and thats permissions done! Please dont comment that again, all i want is a link with those requests and all the usernames and ALL!
    Thanks In Advance...

    Oh and if you can, can somebody get a plugin link for me:
    Plugin: Factions
    Version: 1.7.2

    I know its 1.7.2 but i like the old MineCraft to play with my Homies! LoL

    Thanks! PS. If I Need Help And You Can Assist Me Check This Forum! :D

    Please Respond Because I Need The Link For Both Of Them Like, NOW!!!!!

    Because I Cant Find The Link, Lol sorry for the loads Of Comments GoL

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  4. Offline


    You are asking for help in the wrong way...No one will want to help you. Saying things like I need it now. :rolleyes:

    To download any plugin either search the forums for it or search bukkitdev or search the old plugins list. Its not hard at all.

    If someone wants to help you with permissions they will, but they might not.
  5. That's what im saying here, If you wanna help please help, if ya dont then ok but it is hard!
    If you think its easy go get the link now if your so smart :p

    Sorry I Dont mean to be nasty i just dont like people that say its easy when they cant do it either

    Please provide the link my friends are hanging on to me to get it!
  6. Offline

    Snipes01 children that play Minecraft I have to stop answering these. You know what I'll be nice to you even though you have not been.

    PEX 1.19 for 1.2.3:

    Factions I thinking R7 is for 1.2.3:

    Try these and see. If they break then someone might help you. I will not.
  7. [diamond] It does not work so next time dont open you big mouth and say its ''Easy''
    so dont say that until you try it too.

    Anyone else that can help me?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  8. Offline


    hahaha...This too good! Well one thing I have to say is that I've run MC servers before and I've used these plugins before. I know how they work, but you don't. So have fun.

    Raven FTW. Rage Rage. Rage.
  9. Ok, good luck setting up your server. With an attitude like that, i doubt anyone here is going to help you. Enjoy your 5 minute you tube vids.
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