Permissions help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sethimine, Jul 25, 2011.

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    EDIT: I realize that it is supposed to go over, got it ;)

    Could someone please help me write permissions for a server? I'm mainly having trouble with one other person, as they can't build at all, even I op them. They can wand build with world edit and such, but.. yeah.

    My plugins are:








    (Permissions lol)





    Please PM me for more details such as groups and stuff..
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    jtlcr777 still need help or what?
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    Yes, very much so. Also, I decided to take off God powers. I am actually going through right now and seeing what plugins are useful still. I already updated the server..

    Do you know if the Permissionsbukkit is universal?
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    I really don't know about PermissionsBukkit, personally I don't like because I am using Permissions 3.x (yeti). But apparently plugin devs like it because its easier.

    You are using Permissions 3.x (yeti) right? You didnt make that clear. If you are watch this video.
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    Well, supposedly it is just like permissions yeti, and uses the nodes.

    Oh, er, I know how to use it, I just wasn't sure how to write them. Whenever I did it, it was a major fail...

    I'll check it out and get back to you.

    That video froze my computer, xP

    I just need help with writing the permissions...

    Uh, nevermind, I have it figured out.

    I mean if you already started writing something (which I doubt...) I would be happy to use it, but otherwise thank you.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
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    groups:             Leave this blank
        Default:                   Group name, leave this blank too
            default: true           default group?
            info:                   leave blank
                prefix: ''           use with chat plugin
                suffix: ''           use with chat plugin
                build: false     can they build?
            inheritance:       groups that they will inherit permission from.
                - Poop
            permissions:     permission nodes
                - 'essentials.motd'       they can use /motd
                - 'essentials.rules'
    they can use /rules
    They can also use any permissions the group "poop" has.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
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    I take it back, I failed horrible. Not even I, an op, can use stuff .-.

    I don't want to redownload permissions though, because it was simply to confusing to use.

    I mean if someone can help me write the yml, sure. (Although it would help if Global YML was working.)
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