Permissions Group Prefixes work for everyone but one person on my sever?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by owufail, Jun 22, 2011.

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    I have Permissions using HeroChat to make the Prefixes to work. They all work for everyone but one guy. There is people in the same group that have working prefixes but no matter what group this guy is in nothing works for him? Is there a way to remove him from permissionsplus because I think this caused it?
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    PermissionsPlus just allows you to update your permissions with commands but wouldn't have anything to do with prefixes or suffixes. If it is only one person who is having problems, I would check your users section to see if he has a special prefix/suffix.
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    like globalusers?
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    If that is the only place the user in question is, then yes.
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