Permissions for commands.yml ?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Ikx_1, Feb 15, 2014.

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    Hello, I updated to newest CraftBukkit Beta build #3020, and I started to work with commands.yml. Now when I try the commands I've put in there work well, but when other players test them they got an error saying that they don't have permissions for this command, how do I fix this?
    Here's an example from my commands.yml:

    - bukkit:toggledownfall luova
    - say muutti Luovan sateen tilaa.
    I would not like to give them permission for "toggleDownFall" command, because then they can use it for all the worlds I've got in my server.

    Another question, how do I force the commands (like /enchant) to be used just the player who wrote that command, instead of giving a possiblity to pick the player? Thanks for everyone!
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