Permissions 3.1.6 support!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Claryn, Feb 1, 2012.

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  1. Offline



    I know I should not use this old plugin, but its the only permissions plugin that works for me.

    I'm going to use BuyCraft and looked up the commands to promote/demote players..
    the /pr (username) promote (groupname) is not working. In game or in the console.

    I'm using PermissionsPlus with permissions 3, is this why?
    I am also getting a server error, if its needed, do tell!
  2. Offline


    Well both PEX & bPerm support 2.x permission systems...why not move over? They have auto-converters to convert your existing permission YML's to the new formats. Then you'd never have to worry about permission issues in the future.
  3. Offline


    And those got console commands that can add permissions nodes, and promote/demote a player to a specific group?
  4. Offline


    bPermissions does for sure. I'm using it right now.
  5. Offline


    Its important that its not just promoting to the next rank, but promoting to a specific rank. Is PEX doing this?
  6. Offline


    what do you mean a specific rank? Here's an example of an actual bPermissions command. Ask codename_B for more help.

    /perm global setgroup Member Sayshal

    This sets me, globally, to the group Member. Globally meaning all worlds.
  7. Offline


    Or /promote Sayshal

    Assuming you setup the promotion tracks correctly, that's you promoted in all worlds (to whatever the next rank is)
  8. Offline


    Okei. PEX is not working. Its now 2nd time I try converting my Permissions v.3 into PEX: Its not working..

    please send me the guide for converting permissions 3 into bPermissions.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  9. Offline


    Very simple - run this command

    "/permissions import p3"

    Job done.
  10. Offline


    So I just replace bPermissions with Permissions, type /permissions import p3 and its converted to bPermissions? Dont I have to add the directory of where the .yml's are saved? Do I need the Permissions.jar to do this, or only the user and group.yml?
  11. Offline


    Nope, bPermissions knows where they are (as long as you don't move/rename them)
  12. Offline


    Okei. Worked prefectly. Nice plugin!
    Prefixes and suffixes, where do I add those now?
    Prefixes and suffixes are very important for us.

    Okai.. It works nice.. BUT
    Everytime anyone says anything, or writes a command, the console is spammed with these:
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.MapCalculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    2012-02-01 21:43:31 [SEVERE]at de.bananaco.bpermissions.api.util.Calculable.calculateEffectivePermissions(
    Like x100

    What error is that? And still, Suffixes and preffixes. The most important it the prefixxes (those infront of the name?) Also preffixes for a specified user, and not only groups.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  13. Offline


    That means you've got a recursive group (a group inheriting itself)
  14. Offline


    Okay, problem solved.

    Now, suffixes and preffixes?
  15. Offline


    They don't import but are very easy to setup
  16. Offline


    You could have easily just converted your permissions 3.x.x file into any superperms plugin (bperms, pex, permbukkit) here
  17. Offline


    That isn't updated for bPerms 2
  18. Offline


    Well. The Preffixes and Suffixes worked for about 3 hours before the whole thing reset itself. Now admins cant do anything, because the '*' node doesnt work. Do you mean I have to type all the 876 nodes into the admin group?

    Ok I found the
    bPermissions.admin node, but the .yml files wont save. They just reset.. WTF
  19. Offline


    Just.. get PermissionsEX. It works like a charm ^^
  20. Offline


    Files with yaml errors will not save, use commands to edit this.

    OPS have all permission nodes.
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