Hello! I need a plugin that allows players to buy permissions/commands in a shop GUI. I've looked at a few plugins but could only find one on dev.bukkit.org (this one: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/commandshopgui) but I ran into the issue in that it couldn't integrate into Vault. I didn't have any issues with other plugins (they were all able to hook into Vault) but it was only that plugin that had an issue. Anyways... Plugin Category: Economy/shops Minecraft Version: 1.15.2 Suggested Name: Command/Permission Shop What I want: A completely configurable shop that can have different icons to buy different permissions. Ex. Player Bob clicks on a sword for $1,000. Bob now has the permission kp.kit.Knight and he can do /kp kit Knight since he has the permission. The plugin will also be integrated into Vault and the price can also be configurable. Basically: 1. I want it to hook into Vault. 2. I want the shop to be completely configurable (eg. items in the shop). 3. I want the price for each permission to be configurable. 4. Upon clicking an item IF the player has enough money they will get the permission specified. Ideas for commands: No commands needed Ideas for permissions: permshop.use allows the player to use the shop. permshop.bypass allows the player to bypass everything and get each permission for free. Not necessary but it would be a nice-to have. When I'd like it by: As soon as possible since it's the next thing I need to do on my server. Thanks! -Xp10d3 EDIT: I am running Paper/Spigot on my server which might be the reason it's not working (I've had issues with other plugins when my server is Paper/Spigot) but I highly doubt it. I need to keep my server Paper/Spigot since a bunch of plugins like Lands, AuctionHouse, etc. require Paper/Spigot. Keep that in mind when making this plugin