Problem/Bug Perhaps a server is already running on the port

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by colby9542, Jul 9, 2016.

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    So i started with a regular account ran by mojang meaning it was vanilla then i figured out bukkit was my only way of getting plugins i tried many times to install it eventually i stopped and tried to download it from the bukkit website i got rid of my server that made a bukkit one then i got this error and somehow my older server got bukkit but my cmd thing wouldnt let me download plugins because it would not let me do the stop thing in order to download them PLEASE HELP
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    I Al Istannen

    Don't know if I understood you correctly, but that error means another process is listening of port "25565". Find out which one and kill it.

    Here it is for windows.
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    TY that solved my server issue !
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    I Al Istannen

    No problem :)

    Glad I could help!

    Please mark this question as solved by scrolling to the top, clicking "Thread Tools" on the right, then "Edit Title" -> Click on the prefix and change it.

    Have a nice day and welcome to the forums :)
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