People able to write in color.. Need help figuring out which plugin does it.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Vittek, Nov 18, 2011.

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    As the title says i'm facing a rather odd problem. Players on my server have figured out how to write in colors using a rather odd color code with triple & in them. Like &&&21<text>.
    Now I can't for the hell of me figure out which plugin causes that and how to block it. Obvious candidate would be MChat, but the perm for that has been blocked for everyone and the color syntax is diffrent as well.

    So before I got through disabling one plugin after another , anyone know which plugin could cause it?

    If it helps, here's a list with all the plugins I run.
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    Thanks. I'll look into it. I thought simply adding the false permission on mchat.coloredchat permission would do the trick.
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