Solved 'Pausing' a scheduled delayed task

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Scullyking, Jan 19, 2014.

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    Whats the best/easiest way of pausing a scheduled delayed task when a player leaves (it starts when the player joins).

    I.O.W only have it countdown while the player is online.

    I get that feeling there isn't really an easy way :/ Maybe passing the countdown to a player leave event or something, but I'm lost after there.
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    Scullyking Possibly make a if statement checking if the player is online.
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    But when they leave it will still remove the countdown. I want it to pause when they leave and un-pause when they join.

    EDIT: I see what you mean, this will work thankyou! :)
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    Scullyking I don't know if there is a thread-safe way of doing this. Possibly, you could run wait() on the task when the player leaves and run notify() when the player joins, but I don't know how that would work out on a synchronous thread.
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    Niknea The problem with sleep() is that it can't be woken up by a certain process.
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    Niknea Compressions

    Thanks both for the help, I re-structured some stuff with my plugin so that Kiknea's suggestion of checking if the player is online would work :)
    Niknea likes this.
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