Passive mobs natural spawning

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Gitany, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I want passive mobs to spawn more than once. Right now players have to wander through lots of biomes in order to find new mobs. I do like breeding but i dont think that should be an essential part in utilizing mobs. I miss how during the beta you could collect food by hunting. Now you have to make farms in order to get any food at all, and i dont want that to be the only way. I want a configurable mobspawning rate. If animals would pop up everywhere from nowhere then making farms would be pointless. So I want the server owner to change the rate himself. Maybe and max amount would be good. If too many animals are in the area then there should be no spawning. But even if there is no animals left at all i dont want random animals to contiuously pop up to quick. Maybe animals should just spawn a distance away? idk. having mobs spawn at a configurable rate would be perfect as it is.
  2. Offline


    You can change the rate in the bukkit.yml

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