Solved ParticleEffect & Reflections

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mehboss, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    I need an updated link of the reflections class for 1.8-1.11.. I want to use particle effects for my plugin on 1.8-1.11 but it gives me this error on 1.9+


    public final class ReflectionUtils {
        // Prevent accidental construction
        private ReflectionUtils() {}
         * Returns the constructor of a given class with the given parameter types
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired constructor
         * @return The constructor of the target class with the specified parameter types
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified parameter types cannot be found
         * @see DataType
         * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Class[])
         * @see DataType#compare(Class[], Class[])
        public static Constructor<?> getConstructor(Class<?> clazz, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException {
            Class<?>[] primitiveTypes = DataType.getPrimitive(parameterTypes);
            for (Constructor<?> constructor : clazz.getConstructors()) {
                if (!, primitiveTypes)) {
                return constructor;
            throw new NoSuchMethodException("There is no such constructor in this class with the specified parameter types");
         * Returns the constructor of a desired class with the given parameter types
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired constructor
         * @return The constructor of the desired target class with the specified parameter types
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified parameter types cannot be found
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getClass(String, PackageType)
         * @see #getConstructor(Class, Class...)
        public static Constructor<?> getConstructor(String className, PackageType packageType, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return getConstructor(packageType.getClass(className), parameterTypes);
         * Returns an instance of a class with the given arguments
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param arguments Arguments which are used to construct an object of the target class
         * @return The instance of the target class with the specified arguments
         * @throws InstantiationException If you cannot create an instance of the target class due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired constructor cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the constructor (this should not occur since it searches for a constructor with the types of the arguments)
         * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired constructor cannot be invoked
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified arguments cannot be found
        public static Object instantiateObject(Class<?> clazz, Object... arguments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
            return getConstructor(clazz, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).newInstance(arguments);
         * Returns an instance of a desired class with the given arguments
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param arguments Arguments which are used to construct an object of the desired target class
         * @return The instance of the desired target class with the specified arguments
         * @throws InstantiationException If you cannot create an instance of the desired target class due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired constructor cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the constructor (this should not occur since it searches for a constructor with the types of the arguments)
         * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired constructor cannot be invoked
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired constructor with the specified arguments cannot be found
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getClass(String, PackageType)
         * @see #instantiateObject(Class, Object...)
        public static Object instantiateObject(String className, PackageType packageType, Object... arguments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return instantiateObject(packageType.getClass(className), arguments);
         * Returns a method of a class with the given parameter types
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param methodName Name of the desired method
         * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired method
         * @return The method of the target class with the specified name and parameter types
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the target class with the specified name and parameter types cannot be found
         * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Class[])
         * @see DataType#compare(Class[], Class[])
        public static Method getMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException {
            Class<?>[] primitiveTypes = DataType.getPrimitive(parameterTypes);
            for (Method method : clazz.getMethods()) {
                if (!method.getName().equals(methodName) || !, primitiveTypes)) {
                return method;
            throw new NoSuchMethodException("There is no such method in this class with the specified name and parameter types");
         * Returns a method of a desired class with the given parameter types
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param methodName Name of the desired method
         * @param parameterTypes Parameter types of the desired method
         * @return The method of the desired target class with the specified name and parameter types
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the desired target class with the specified name and parameter types cannot be found
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getClass(String, PackageType)
         * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...)
        public static Method getMethod(String className, PackageType packageType, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) throws NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return getMethod(packageType.getClass(className), methodName, parameterTypes);
         * Invokes a method on an object with the given arguments
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param methodName Name of the desired method
         * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method
         * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments)
         * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the class of the target object with the specified name and arguments cannot be found
         * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...)
         * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Object[])
        public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
            return getMethod(instance.getClass(), methodName, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).invoke(instance, arguments);
         * Invokes a method of the target class on an object with the given arguments
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param methodName Name of the desired method
         * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method
         * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments)
         * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the target class with the specified name and arguments cannot be found
         * @see #getMethod(Class, String, Class...)
         * @see DataType#getPrimitive(Object[])
        public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
            return getMethod(clazz, methodName, DataType.getPrimitive(arguments)).invoke(instance, arguments);
         * Invokes a method of a desired class on an object with the given arguments
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param methodName Name of the desired method
         * @param arguments Arguments which are used to invoke the desired method
         * @return The result of invoking the desired method on the target object
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired method cannot be accessed due to certain circumstances
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the types of the arguments do not match the parameter types of the method (this should not occur since it searches for a method with the types of the arguments)
         * @throws InvocationTargetException If the desired method cannot be invoked on the target object
         * @throws NoSuchMethodException If the desired method of the desired target class with the specified name and arguments cannot be found
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getClass(String, PackageType)
         * @see #invokeMethod(Object, Class, String, Object...)
        public static Object invokeMethod(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, String methodName, Object... arguments) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return invokeMethod(instance, packageType.getClass(className), methodName, arguments);
         * Returns a field of the target class with the given name
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @return The field of the target class with the specified name
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the given class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
        public static Field getField(Class<?> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
            Field field = declared ? clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName) : clazz.getField(fieldName);
            return field;
         * Returns a field of a desired class with the given name
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @return The field of the desired target class with the specified name
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String)
        public static Field getField(String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return getField(packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName);
         * Returns the value of a field of the given class of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @return The value of field of the target object
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String)
        public static Object getValue(Object instance, Class<?> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
            return getField(clazz, declared, fieldName).get(instance);
         * Returns the value of a field of a desired class of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @return The value of field of the target object
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #getValue(Object, Class, boolean, String)
        public static Object getValue(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
            return getValue(instance, packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName);
         * Returns the value of a field with the given name of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @return The value of field of the target object
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the target object does not feature the desired field (should not occur since it searches for a field with the given name in the class of the object)
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target object cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @see #getValue(Object, Class, boolean, String)
        public static Object getValue(Object instance, boolean declared, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
            return getValue(instance, instance.getClass(), declared, fieldName);
         * Sets the value of a field of the given class of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param clazz Target class
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @param value New value
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @see #getField(Class, boolean, String)
        public static void setValue(Object instance, Class<?> clazz, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
            getField(clazz, declared, fieldName).set(instance, value);
         * Sets the value of a field of a desired class of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param className Name of the desired target class
         * @param packageType Package where the desired target class is located
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @param value New value
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the desired class cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired target class with the specified name and package cannot be found
         * @see #setValue(Object, Class, boolean, String, Object)
        public static void setValue(Object instance, String className, PackageType packageType, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
            setValue(instance, packageType.getClass(className), declared, fieldName, value);
         * Sets the value of a field with the given name of an object
         * @param instance Target object
         * @param declared Whether the desired field is declared or not
         * @param fieldName Name of the desired field
         * @param value New value
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the type of the value does not match the type of the desired field
         * @throws IllegalAccessException If the desired field cannot be accessed
         * @throws NoSuchFieldException If the desired field of the target object cannot be found
         * @throws SecurityException If the desired field cannot be made accessible
         * @see #setValue(Object, Class, boolean, String, Object)
        public static void setValue(Object instance, boolean declared, String fieldName, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
            setValue(instance, instance.getClass(), declared, fieldName, value);
         * Represents an enumeration of dynamic packages of NMS and CraftBukkit
         * <p>
         * This class is part of the <b>ReflectionUtils</b> and follows the same usage conditions
         * @author DarkBlade12
         * @since 1.0
        public enum PackageType {
            MINECRAFT_SERVER("net.minecraft.server." + getServerVersion()),
            CRAFTBUKKIT("org.bukkit.craftbukkit." + getServerVersion()),
            private final String path;
             * Construct a new package type
             * @param path Path of the package
            private PackageType(String path) {
                this.path = path;
             * Construct a new package type
             * @param parent Parent package of the package
             * @param path Path of the package
            private PackageType(PackageType parent, String path) {
                this(parent + "." + path);
             * Returns the path of this package type
             * @return The path
            public String getPath() {
                return path;
             * Returns the class with the given name
             * @param className Name of the desired class
             * @return The class with the specified name
             * @throws ClassNotFoundException If the desired class with the specified name and package cannot be found
            public Class<?> getClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException {
                return Class.forName(this + "." + className);
            // Override for convenience
            public String toString() {
                return path;
             * Returns the version of your server
             * @return The server version
            public static String getServerVersion() {
                return Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().substring(23);
         * Represents an enumeration of Java data types with corresponding classes
         * <p>
         * This class is part of the <b>ReflectionUtils</b> and follows the same usage conditions
         * @author DarkBlade12
         * @since 1.0
        public enum DataType {
            BYTE(byte.class, Byte.class),
            SHORT(short.class, Short.class),
            INTEGER(int.class, Integer.class),
            LONG(long.class, Long.class),
            CHARACTER(char.class, Character.class),
            FLOAT(float.class, Float.class),
            DOUBLE(double.class, Double.class),
            BOOLEAN(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
            private static final Map<Class<?>, DataType> CLASS_MAP = new HashMap<Class<?>, DataType>();
            private final Class<?> primitive;
            private final Class<?> reference;
            // Initialize map for quick class lookup
            static {
                for (DataType type : values()) {
                    CLASS_MAP.put(type.primitive, type);
                    CLASS_MAP.put(type.reference, type);
             * Construct a new data type
             * @param primitive Primitive class of this data type
             * @param reference Reference class of this data type
            private DataType(Class<?> primitive, Class<?> reference) {
                this.primitive = primitive;
                this.reference = reference;
             * Returns the primitive class of this data type
             * @return The primitive class
            public Class<?> getPrimitive() {
                return primitive;
             * Returns the reference class of this data type
             * @return The reference class
            public Class<?> getReference() {
                return reference;
             * Returns the data type with the given primitive/reference class
             * @param clazz Primitive/Reference class of the data type
             * @return The data type
            public static DataType fromClass(Class<?> clazz) {
                return CLASS_MAP.get(clazz);
             * Returns the primitive class of the data type with the given reference class
             * @param clazz Reference class of the data type
             * @return The primitive class
            public static Class<?> getPrimitive(Class<?> clazz) {
                DataType type = fromClass(clazz);
                return type == null ? clazz : type.getPrimitive();
             * Returns the reference class of the data type with the given primitive class
             * @param clazz Primitive class of the data type
             * @return The reference class
            public static Class<?> getReference(Class<?> clazz) {
                DataType type = fromClass(clazz);
                return type == null ? clazz : type.getReference();
             * Returns the primitive class array of the given class array
             * @param classes Given class array
             * @return The primitive class array
            public static Class<?>[] getPrimitive(Class<?>[] classes) {
                int length = classes == null ? 0 : classes.length;
                Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[length];
                for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
                    types[index] = getPrimitive(classes[index]);
                return types;
             * Returns the reference class array of the given class array
             * @param classes Given class array
             * @return The reference class array
            public static Class<?>[] getReference(Class<?>[] classes) {
                int length = classes == null ? 0 : classes.length;
                Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[length];
                for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
                    types[index] = getReference(classes[index]);
                return types;
             * Returns the primitive class array of the given object array
             * @param object Given object array
             * @return The primitive class array
            public static Class<?>[] getPrimitive(Object[] objects) {
                int length = objects == null ? 0 : objects.length;
                Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[length];
                for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
                    types[index] = getPrimitive(objects[index].getClass());
                return types;
             * Returns the reference class array of the given object array
             * @param object Given object array
             * @return The reference class array
            public static Class<?>[] getReference(Object[] objects) {
                int length = objects == null ? 0 : objects.length;
                Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[length];
                for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
                    types[index] = getReference(objects[index].getClass());
                return types;
             * Compares two class arrays on equivalence
             * @param primary Primary class array
             * @param secondary Class array which is compared to the primary array
             * @return Whether these arrays are equal or not
            public static boolean compare(Class<?>[] primary, Class<?>[] secondary) {
                if (primary == null || secondary == null || primary.length != secondary.length) {
                    return false;
                for (int index = 0; index < primary.length; index++) {
                    Class<?> primaryClass = primary[index];
                    Class<?> secondaryClass = secondary[index];
                    if (primaryClass.equals(secondaryClass) || primaryClass.isAssignableFrom(secondaryClass)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
  2. Offline


    Packet names no longer require an id (such as the 63). The packet you are looking for should be PacketPlayOutWorldParticle
  3. Offline


    What do I change the IDs to? I don't get what you mean, where is an ID?
  4. Offline



    That packet no longer exists, it has been replaced with PacketPlayOutWorldParticle.
  5. Offline


    This is the line I have found:
                    Class<?> packetClass = PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER.getClass(version < 7 ? "Packet63WorldParticles" : "PacketPlayOutWorldParticles");
    It seems to already have both the ID and the playoutworld.
  6. Offline


    Can you print out what version is equal to?
  7. Offline


    The variable is set like this in the particleeffect lib:
                    version = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(PackageType.getServerVersion().charAt(3)));
    I try to print it here:
            if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("/ban")) {
    It just gives me the version is incompatible error.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  8. Offline


    You current version is v1.11.
    the char ar 3 is 1. So it's lower than 7 and you have your exception class not found.
    check if the 4th char is a '_' or an int in addition.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    mehboss likes this.
  9. Offline


    @Caderape2 @Zombie_Striker
    I think this is outdated too much, the place I got it from hasn't been updated since 2015. I want an API/Util that is 1.8.x-1.11x not just 1.8 that is used to spawn particles easily, with offset + color.. Any suggestions?
  10. Offline


    Try this:
    private static final String SERVER_VERSION;
        static {
            String name = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getName();
            name = name.substring(name.indexOf("craftbukkit.")
                    + "craftbukkit.".length());
            name = name.substring(0, name.indexOf("."));
            SERVER_VERSION = name;
        public static boolean isVersionHigherThan(int mainVersion,
                int secondVersion) {
            String firstChar = SERVER_VERSION.substring(1, 2);
            int fInt = Integer.parseInt(firstChar);
            if (fInt < mainVersion)
                return false;
            StringBuilder secondChar = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
                if (SERVER_VERSION.charAt(i) == '_'
                        || SERVER_VERSION.charAt(i) == '.')
            int sInt = Integer.parseInt(secondChar.toString());
            if (sInt < secondVersion)
                return false;
            return true;
    And you would use it by adding:
    //If you are checking if it is 1.8 or higher. If this is false, then it is 1.7 or lower.
  11. Offline


    Where do I put this, under the constructor in the particle-effect lib?
  12. Offline


    Anywhere. Its a static method, so all you need to do is reference the class it is in to call the method. If you want, it can go in the particle effect lib.
  13. Offline


    How would this fix the problem if it goes anywhere? The particles aren't showing either & they were when I was using particle-effect lib on 1.8, it isn't just the error. I just assumed the particles weren't working because of the error.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2017
  14. Offline


    Hey. I'm currently having the same exact problem. I see you marked this as solved, did you fix it? if so, would you mind sending me or posting the code you ended up using for the "PacketPlayOutWorldParticles" line of code
  15. Offline


    I just used playEffect instead, since it has offset and data values too.
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